Selecting entities for dimensions

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Dave Nay, Jun 7, 2005.

  1. Dave Nay

    Dave Nay Guest

    This is driving me nuts.....

    I detail a lot of assemblies that are made from extruded aluminum frame
    members (Bosch, 80/20, etc). When I use the Smart Dimension tool (or
    ordinate, horizontal, vertical, etc), I have a very difficult time
    picking the profile edges. SWX will select tangent edges of the corner
    radii (tangent edges not displayed, select hidden edges unchecked)
    instead of the profile edge of the member. To actually select the
    correct edge for dimensioning, I need to zoom in closer to avoid the
    tangent being highlighted. After that, I need to place the cursor on
    exectly the correct position to get the edge to highlight. If I am off
    by even a single pixel or two, the highlighting turns off! I then need
    to zoom out and then back in again to select the opposite edge for
    dimensioning, then back out again to place the dimension.

    <flameproof suit>
    In AutoCAD there is an option for the pick area size, and I seem to
    remember UG and PRO-E having a similar feature. Is there somewhere I
    can reduce the sensitivity of picking edges for dimensioning?
    </flameproof suit>


    SWX 2005 SP 3.0
    Dave Nay, Jun 7, 2005
  2. Dave Nay

    TOP Guest

    This is the kind of thing a Spaceball will help cure.

    The other thing is to use a different technique in modeling the 80/20
    that would eliminate the minute detail added to the larger features and
    place it in other sketches.
    TOP, Jun 9, 2005
  3. Dave Nay

    Joe Dunfee Guest

    I have a similar problem. However, in my case I have square tubing with
    sharp corners. What my computer selects is the inside corner. It is also
    common for me to be unable to select an edge for the second item on a
    dimension. I can select either edge, but only that one edge. I've also tried
    selecting the endpoint instead, but again I can't select that second item
    that the dimension needs.

    I'm on 2005 sp 3.1

    Joe Dunfee
    Joe Dunfee, Jun 9, 2005
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