selecting a bend

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by shkumar, Nov 21, 2006.

  1. shkumar

    shkumar Guest


    Is there a way where we can select a sketch or a feature in the model
    and the corresponding node in the feature tree getting highlighted.

    What I want to do is , select a bend on a sheet metal model and perform
    an action. But I cannot figure out any API which will give me a
    notification as to what is the corresponding feature on the feature

    Can anyone help me out with this.

    shkumar, Nov 21, 2006
  2. shkumar

    ParaCAD Guest

    Unless Im misunderstanding you......You should be able to click on the
    feature in the model view and it will highlight. If it is a long
    feature tree, you may have to scroll down to see the feature/sketch

    I don't have SW infront of me now, but there may be an option when
    right clicking that can take you directly to that feature. Or you can
    right click and Edit Feature/Sketch and it'll take you into redefining
    your selection.
    Also sometimes right click and at the bottom of the menu you'll see a
    double arrow, that may give you 1-2 extra options.
    ParaCAD, Nov 22, 2006
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