Select Objects in PVP to VPFreeze - Inverting Selection To Freeze

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Oberer, Jan 20, 2005.

  1. Oberer

    Oberer Guest

    I found some great code here on the NG that allows a user to pick objects in a paperspace VP and freeze them in that viewport.
    I'd like to add one feature to this - instead of freezing the objects selected, how about freezing everything except what's picked.

    I'm sorry to bother you with such a seemingly simple task, but setting the viewport visibility really should be a property of the vp, not xdata, shouldn't it (at least SOMEthing a bit easier to get at)

    I think this is the code that needs to be updated:
    For Each objEntity In newSS
    strLayer = objEntity.Layer
    VPLayerOff (strLayer)
    Its as if i need to collections (not the object) - one of all layer names, the second of layers selected. Then I'd need to remove the layers from the first that appear in the second.

    I'm looking for an elegant way to do this, not my usual "brute force" approach...

    Here's the entire routine:

    'LAST REVISED: 10/19/04
    Option Explicit
    'Select objects to freeze within VP
    Public Sub Select_Objects_To_Freeze_In_ViewPort()
    Dim objEntity As AcadObject
    Dim strLayer As String
    Dim Pt1 As Variant
    Dim newSS As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim vLayers() As Variant
    On Error GoTo err_selectVPobjectsToFreeze
    If ThisDrawing.ActiveSpace = acModelSpace Then
    MsgBox "This program only works with PaperSpace Viewports" & vbCr & _
    "Please go to PaperSpace", vbCritical
    Exit Sub
    End If
    ThisDrawing.MSpace = True
    Set newSS = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("Vplayers_")
    ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt ("Select Objects layers to freeze in the viewport:" & vbCr)
    For Each objEntity In newSS
    strLayer = objEntity.Layer
    VPLayerOff (strLayer)
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbInformation
    End Sub
    ' make the layer non displayable (freeze) in the current Viewport
    Private Sub VPLayerOff(strLayer As String)
    Dim objPViewport As AcadObject
    Dim XdataType As Variant
    Dim XdataValue As Variant
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim Counter As Integer
    ' Get the active ViewPort
    Set objPViewport = ThisDrawing.ActivePViewport
    ' Get the Xdata from the Viewport
    objPViewport.GetXData "ACAD", XdataType, XdataValue
    For i = LBound(XdataType) To UBound(XdataType)
    ' Look for frozen Layers in this viewport
    If XdataType(i) = 1003 Then
    ' Set the counter AFTER the position of the Layer frozen layer(s)
    Counter = i + 1
    ' If the layer is already in the frozen layers xdata of this viewport the
    ' exit this sub program
    If XdataValue(i) = strLayer Then Exit Sub
    End If
    ' If no frozen layers exist in this viewport then
    ' find the Xdata location 1002 and place the frozen layer infront of the "}"
    ' found at Xdata location 1002
    If Counter = 0 Then
    For i = LBound(XdataType) To UBound(XdataType)
    If XdataType(i) = 1002 Then Counter = i - 1
    End If
    ' set the Xdata for the layer that is being frozen
    XdataType(Counter) = 1003
    XdataValue(Counter) = strLayer
    ReDim Preserve XdataType(Counter + 1)
    ReDim Preserve XdataValue(Counter + 1)
    ' put the first "}" back into the xdata array
    XdataType(Counter + 1) = 1002
    XdataValue(Counter + 1) = "}"
    ' Keep the xdata Array and add one more to the array
    ReDim Preserve XdataType(Counter + 2)
    ReDim Preserve XdataValue(Counter + 2)
    ' put the second "}" back into the xdata array
    XdataType(Counter + 2) = 1002
    XdataValue(Counter + 2) = "}"
    ' Reset the Xdata on to the viewport
    objPViewport.SetXData XdataType, XdataValue
    ' notice that at this point NOTHING happens in the viewport to visibly show
    ' any changes to the viewport.
    ' flipping to a different layout or turning the Mview Off and On will display the
    ' Xdata changes to the viewport.
    ' See sub ViewPortUpdate for how to update the Viewport.
    End Sub
    Private Sub ViewPortUpdate()
    ' Update the viewport...
    Dim objPViewport As AcadObject
    Set objPViewport = ThisDrawing.ActivePViewport
    ThisDrawing.MSpace = False
    objPViewport.Display (False)
    objPViewport.Display (True)
    ThisDrawing.MSpace = True
    ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt ("Done!" & vbCr)
    End Sub
    Oberer, Jan 20, 2005
  2. Select everything with one selectionset. Then prompt the use to select
    object with another selectionset. Iterate the second, stuffing the
    selected entities into an array then use that array as the argument for
    the first set's RemoveItems method.

    BTW, that code canbe tightened up by iterating the set, collecting the
    layer names into a collection or array and processing all the layers at
    once rather than individually.
    Frank Oquendo, Jan 20, 2005
  3. You're not really trying to invert the selection set, correct? You're
    trying to freeze all layers except the ones of the selected objects, right?

    Brute force is the quickest (to get coded, I mean) way I know of, something

    dim curLayer as acadlayer
    for each curlayer in curDoc.layers
    strLayer =
    if not LayerInSelSet(strLayer, "selSetName") then
    VPLayerOff (strLayer)
    next 'curLayer

    function LayerInSelSet(layerName as string, setName as string) as boolean
    set curSet = thisdrawing.selectionsets(setName)
    for each curEntity in curSet
    if layerName = curEntity.Layer.Name then
    LayerInSelSet = True
    exit for
    next 'curEntity
    end function


    in a paperspace VP and freeze them in that viewport.
    selected, how about freezing everything except what's picked.
    viewport visibility really should be a property of the vp, not xdata,
    shouldn't it (at least SOMEthing a bit easier to get at)
    the second of layers selected. Then I'd need to remove the layers from the
    first that appear in the second.
    James Belshan, Jan 20, 2005
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