select by attribute for elements within a fence

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by sant527, Feb 8, 2006.

  1. sant527

    sant527 Guest

    I have a drawings consiting of rectangles and lines and text elements.
    If I want to select a few rectangles among all the rectangles using
    fence How can I do it. When I use select command it also selects lines
    and text within the fence. But I want only rectangles to be selected.
    Can any one help in this regard, I have also used by attributes but it
    will select all rectangles in the entire drawing which is again I dont
    sant527, Feb 8, 2006
  2. sant527

    Thomas V Guest

    Thomas V, Feb 8, 2006
  3. Go to Select By Attributes.
    Pick 'Shape' from the 'Type' list.
    In the 'Mode' section pick 'Location' from the second option button.
    Click the 'Execute' button.

    Now when you use the Select command and drag a rectangle around a bunch
    of elements it will only find the Shapes.

    Daniel MacNeil, Feb 9, 2006
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