Seen this one?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Sporkman, Nov 10, 2004.

  1. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    I've seeing a quirk in SolidWorks 2005 (original release) that I don't
    THINK has been fixed in the 0.1 service pack and which may be causing a
    more severe problem than I originally thought. I don't have the service
    pack, because I haven't been able to afford to re-up my maintenance
    agreement. A client of mine, however, does have the service pack and he
    reports at least the quirk if not the apparent actual resultant problem
    (fairly worrisome problem) that I think possibly results from the quirk.

    The symptom is that when an assembly has been renamed, the Mates in the
    Feature Trees of the components of the new assembly still reflect the
    name of the older assembly until the assembly file has actually been
    closed down and reopened. I would say ostensibly not really a big deal,
    except that seemingly even if one makes Mate changes and then Saves the
    new assembly, those Mates won't necessarily reappear if SolidWorks
    crashes thereafter. I've had it happen several times now. Mates that I
    knew I corrected (and I Saved after I corrected them) reappear as
    problems after the SolidWorks assembly is reopened after a crash.
    UNLESS I close down the assembly file, then reopen it. If I do that and
    I have a crash, the Mates that were corrected remain correct. I suspect
    it has to do with those Mate names not being properly updated when
    renaming the Assembly file until after closing down the file and
    reopening it.

    Does this make sense? Sorry if not . . . I'll try to clarify better.
    What brought it about is resurrecting a Backup of an assembly, renaming
    that backup to the original assembly name (removing "Backup (1) of") and
    making changes to Mates and Saving. The Save didn't seem to "take"
    regarding Mates if SolidWorks crashes. Other changes (as regarding
    things like Component Patterns) were saved properly and came back up

    Anybody else having the same experience? Or think maybe they are?

    Mark 'Sporky' Stapleton
    Watermark Design, LLC
    Sporkman, Nov 10, 2004
  2. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    Crap. I had just about been resigned to living with it also until I
    found out that a crash after a Save didn't save the Mate corrections
    made before the Save. That is, until I realized that the two are
    logically connected and probably connected in reality. That's a
    potentially really problematic scenario. I accept workarounds, and even
    some workarounds on top of workarounds, but the workarounds are getting
    too numerous to remember. I've lost some substantial amount of time
    because of this. John, would you do all of us a favor and report it
    AGAIN, this time to SolidWorks tech support, with mention that you've
    reported it to your VAR in the past with no satisfaction?

    Sporkman, Nov 10, 2004
  3. Sporkman

    Per O. Hoel Guest


    Just wondering if you think the use of SolidWorks Explorer (for the
    purpose of renaming/copying) suffers from similar problems.

    Generally speaking, I think SWKS Explorer is far more powerful in
    updating associated files than the main SolidWorks program in certain

    Per O. Hoel
    Per O. Hoel, Nov 11, 2004
  4. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    You may be right, and I may be better off using SW Explorer. I guess
    I've shyed away from doing things that way ever since my experiences
    during the bad old days of SW2000 when SW Explorer did NOT always find
    all of the Where Used instances. I should probably say "worse old days"
    'cause I'm still not happy with the number of problems we're seeing with
    the software releases and service packs. Anyway, I never trusted SW
    Explorer thereafter.

    Sporkman, Nov 11, 2004
  5. Sporkman

    conj Guest

    You should do whatever it takes to get SP0.1. Used to crash every hour and
    now didn't crashed in two days.
    SP0 did have some problem too exporting some files to STEP or IGES.

    conj, Nov 11, 2004
  6. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    Well I'd certainly love to have SP0.1. But not at the cost of $1300.
    I'll probably re-up my subscription service at some point, but for the
    moment I neither have the extra cash nor do I have any desire to play
    that game after five years of ante-ing up and getting (IMHO) much less
    than my money's worth. When you're working for a company that pays for
    the subscription it's not so painful, but when you're a freelancer like
    me that impacts your bottom line pretty severely. I don't have SPRs
    that (to my knowledge) are fixed in SP0.1 and the problems that I do
    have that are keeping me from doing my work (e.g., inability to run
    interference checks, inability to change density on parts, and the
    problem of topic in this thread) have not yet been fixed (to my
    knowledge). And unlike some people I'm not going to attempt to get an
    illegal copy of the Service Pack. SolidWorks Corp has me snookered all
    right, but I'm not giving in . . . yet.

    Sporkman, Nov 14, 2004
  7. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    John, thanks. That's a big help.
    Sporkman, Nov 17, 2004
  8. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    So, John, what's your Web site? Can't Google you or JK Mold Design at
    all, except to find you playing "Spaceman" in SciFi Hotel (like that
    suit, but what's that thing on your cheek?).
    Sporkman, Nov 17, 2004
  9. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    Yeh, I did come up with links to those SolidWorks and Moldworks reviews
    and plugs to which you contributed, but nothing that led to your own
    work. So -- do you actually look more like that pic in Desktop
    Engineering, or more like "Starman"? ;-) Personally I try to keep MY
    pic off the Net, and my resume pic is from almost a decade ago. Only
    once in a blue moon do I get a pic of myself that doesn't make me look
    like Dorkman (as I've been called by some who've been the targets of
    'Sporkman' sarcasm). That is to say, it's hard to find a pic of me that
    doesn't make me look like myself.
    Sporkman, Nov 18, 2004
  10. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    That's nice to hear. I'm glad yer busy without having to work at
    getting there.
    Nah. If you were from 'round here it would make you look like a
    redneck, but since yer from Californy it just makes yer look like a
    surfer dude. Ummm . . . a slightly aging surfer dude, maybe, but that's
    Sporkman, Nov 19, 2004
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