Seeking workaround for Special Characters in SolidWorks drawings

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by cutthroat.trout, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. I have a need to put special font characters in my drawing notes and

    Characters like alpha, beta, delta, etc. aßd

    These are all accessable in the font we use in our drawings through the
    windows character map tool.

    Unfortunately, when you input them into a drawing note or dimension
    dialog box and accept the changes, it converts the character to a
    standard letter. Small letter "delta" for example becomes small "d".

    Does anyone know a workaround for this?

    Please request this as an enhancement request if you think it should be
    made to work like other windows compliant programs.

    cutthroat.trout, Dec 21, 2005
  2. cutthroat.trout

    John Layne Guest

    Just tried it here as well works fine.

    John Layne
    John Layne, Dec 21, 2005
  3. We're using century gothic as well.

    I wonder if the alt key characters are the same as the character map

    You'll notice in the Windows character map program that some characters
    will list the alt-xxxx keystroke code and some will not.

    Apparently the greek letters like I'd prefer to use are not some that
    will allow alt-xxxx input.

    cutthroat.trout, Dec 21, 2005
  4. cutthroat.trout

    Brian Guest

    I am pretty sure that all of the characters to which you are referring
    can be found by simply changing your font to "symbol". I also believe thats
    its either a standard windows font, or one thats installed by default with
    solidworks. I did not specifically install it, yet it is available.

    Brian Hokanson
    Starting Line Products

    I have a need to put special font characters in my drawing notes and

    Characters like alpha, beta, delta, etc. aßd

    These are all accessable in the font we use in our drawings through the
    windows character map tool.

    Unfortunately, when you input them into a drawing note or dimension
    dialog box and accept the changes, it converts the character to a
    standard letter. Small letter "delta" for example becomes small "d".

    Does anyone know a workaround for this?

    Please request this as an enhancement request if you think it should be
    made to work like other windows compliant programs.

    Brian, Dec 21, 2005
  5. cutthroat.trout

    John Layne Guest

    Hi Cutthroat,

    I just used the Windows character map on a character that doesn't have
    the alt keystroke.

    Works in a note but not in a dimension, it looks ok in in dialogue box
    but changes, as you said. Both note and dimension text used century gothic.

    Windows XP SP2
    SolidWorks 2005 SP5

    John Layne
    John Layne, Dec 21, 2005
  6. cutthroat.trout

    John Layne Guest

    Ok got it to work, there is a bug with the dialogue window on the

    If you right click the dimension select properties and then select the
    modify text button you can enter the symbol in that window and it works.

    John Layne
    John Layne, Dec 21, 2005
  7. John,

    You got it spot on there. It is a bug, and it does work as you say. I
    can work around it with this functionality.

    It will also sometimes act like the other dialog window on the left if
    you don't do it correct.

    Thanks much!

    cutthroat.trout, Dec 21, 2005
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