Seeking comprehensive AIA layer standards & pen settings

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Paul Humphrey, Aug 25, 2003.

  1. Is there a dwg out there that maps the Layer Standards and pen settings for
    AIA 2nd addition?

    I would like to SEE the layer names and pen settings that are keyed in ADT4.
    Apparently, I need to fine tune our CTB to our new plotter and would like to
    cross reference between the old plotter and new plotter. Plus it would be
    helpful to simply see this information on one big sheet.

    Any advise or direction would be appreciated.


    Email is packaged by intellectual weight, not volume. Some settling of
    contents may have occurred during transmission.

    Paul Humphrey
    CAD Manager
    Paul Humphrey, Aug 25, 2003
  2. Yeah, got the lexicon site bookmarked.

    I thought the pen settings were developed from the coast guard standard,
    which I thought were from Tri-Services.

    The more I try to nail down this information, the more allusive it seems.

    I would think there would be a procedure to compare and fine tune from one
    plotter to the next in relation to the AIA Standard.

    I thought the AIA 2nd addition included pen settings. Or at least committed
    to a standard.

    If the pen settings aren't 100%, what the heck is an AIA_Standard.ctb that
    is shipped with ADT4? I followed this last year as it was being redrafted,
    but got lost on who was standardizing who. I thought AIA and NCS were
    merging into an agreement that bascially made them the same and were
    adopting the Coast Guard pen settings.

    Is my memory failing and all this is muddled by my imagination?

    Paul Humphrey, Aug 25, 2003
  3. Paul Humphrey

    jonesr Guest

    A/E/C CADD Standard Release 2.0 from Tri-Service DOES map weights to colors
    as well as defining weights for all layers. It's in the .pdf docs on the CD.
    I suppose you might be able to use to convert the pages to text
    and with some work get digital information you could use.

    Otherwise there are several sites (many University facilities groups in
    particular) that have web pages with AIA layers and weights assigned.

    jonesr, Aug 25, 2003
  4. This is from the Description box of the AIA Standard.ctb:

    "For explicit compliance with the Tri-Services Plotting Guidelines (National
    CAD Standard version 2.0). Use with the AIA (256 Color) layer key style.
    Colors are mapped to explicit lineweights and screens, all colors plot

    I 'assumed' that Tri-Services supplied the pen weights. And that
    Tri-Services adopted them from the Coast Guard. I apologize for my
    ignorance, but it seems apparent that confusion would be inevitable.

    I will investigate farther, thanks you guys.
    Paul Humphrey, Aug 25, 2003
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