Sections - Any Tips or Tricks

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Art, Dec 6, 2007.

  1. Art

    Art Guest

    When Creating a Section View in Drawing mode:

    When creating the sketch line on a cylindrical part (or assy), is
    there a way to snap to the center axis? It seems rather cumbersome to
    sketch the line first and than add a relation?

    Art, Dec 6, 2007
  2. Art

    Eddie Guest


    When preparing to sketch your cutting plane line, hoover your cursor
    over the cylinders edge and note that the center point will appear.
    This is call "Wake-Up Center Point". After that, go to the top or
    right and a dashed line will appear letting you know that you are in
    alignment with the center. After sketching the line, it will be
    coincident with the center.
    Eddie, Dec 6, 2007
  3. Art

    fcsuper Guest

    I use this method, but it's still not great because you start with the
    lines endpoint at the center of the cylinder, requiring further
    editing of some sort or another to make the line then stretch across
    the part (or use two lines formed in the same way).

    Matt Lorono
    fcsuper, Dec 8, 2007
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