Sectioning questions

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Nathan Feculak, Feb 19, 2004.

  1. In a drawing of an assembly I have a shaft that is sectioned and it does not
    show the object lines. My boss wants me to show the the steps in the shaft.
    I guess the easyst way to explaine is that I wan to show the shaft as if it
    was not section.

    my second question is on this same assembly I have a bunch of holes where
    flange mount to the case. How can I show the bolt hole at the top and bottom
    of the flange and the case in the crosssection with out changing the
    position of the hole in the assembly
    Nathan Feculak, Feb 19, 2004
  2. Ok I figured out how to show the object lines on the shaft but now I need to
    create a broken out section view on one of the shafts. I read in my SW 03
    training manual that a broken out section view can not be created in a
    section view, is this the case just for the second part or is it for the
    whole view? I tried to the broken out section view on the shaft but I cant
    seam to do it.?
    Nathan Feculak, Feb 19, 2004
  3. Nathan Feculak

    Merry Owen Guest


    It sounds like you want to show the shaft not sectioned (this is often the
    case with nuts, bolts, pins, etc.). If so, RMB on the section view and
    select Properties... in the properties dialogue box select the Feature
    Scope... tab, this will show you an empty box for item excluded from the
    section, to add items to this box simply select them in the section view.

    The way that I show staggered holes in a flange is to either put the section
    line at the appropriate angle to cut thru the holes - I then rotate the
    resultant section view so it appears as a vertical cut OR I create a
    'staggered' section cut (i.e the top half is vertical to the centre then an
    angled line that cuts thru the lower hole) - then select 'aligned
    section...' and this will show a section that now shows the lower hole.
    Note aligned section will only work if there are 2 parts to the section line
    (i.e. it cannot be a multi staggered line that sections a number of
    different holes).

    Merry Owen, Feb 19, 2004
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