Section views

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by thestew, May 4, 2007.

  1. thestew

    thestew Guest

    My section views often change there selves to draft quality,
    averything is set to stay at high quality but for some reason my views
    change to draft quality after I save and ereopen. This doesnt happen
    all the time but it happens quite often. Anyone ghave any suggestions
    about what settings I can tweek to get better drawing performance.

    thestew, May 4, 2007
  2. If a drawing is rebuilding in the background, and you are in the habit of
    saving often (good habit), sometimes you get a message saying something such
    as some views will be saved in draft mode and will open like that next time.
    I NEVER accept that because I hate it. I tell it no way - finish, then save

    Wayne Tiffany, May 4, 2007
  3. thestew

    j Guest

    In 2007 this is a real PITFA because it doesnt change them back to hi
    quality when you reopen the drawing as it is supposed to.
    j, May 4, 2007
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