Section Views with Surfaces

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Brian, Jan 10, 2006.

  1. Brian

    Brian Guest

    This works, but may not be an ideal solution. Create surface offset
    copies of all your relevant surfaces. Create a new plane, relative to what
    you want your view to be. Trim all of your offset surfaces to that plane.
    Brian, Jan 10, 2006
  2. Brian

    POH Guest

    Even though SolidWorks will display a sectioned view of a surface in a
    part viewport, the same is not true for a drawing.

    There needs to be some thickness to the surface. So, if you can create
    a solid by inserting a Boss/Base / Thicken with the selected surface
    (even as little as .001", for example), then the thin solid can be
    sectioned and shown in the drawing.

    Once the side view (or section) exists in the drawing, the edges which
    make up the contours of the surface (along the original face, prior to
    thickening) can be selected and converted - on edge - into the view.

    After the entity conversion, the Thickened Surface feature can be
    selected from the drawing view's Feature Manager and the body hidden.

    This will leave just the zero thickness surface edge entities...

    Per O. Hoel
    POH, Jan 10, 2006
  3. Brian

    Ryan Neuhart Guest

    I am trying to create multiple section views of a surface model in a drawing
    and/or part file, but I am having some problems. I have no problem in
    either mode with a solid model, but when I try it with a surface, it says
    that I cannot get a section view of an empty model (in the drawing file). I
    realize that I probably shouldn't be able to see anything (since I'm
    essentially viewing a zero-thickness surface on edge), but I was wondering
    if there was any way I could sort of "turn on" the edges of the surfaces at
    various cross-sections so they would be visible. Any ideas? Thanks a lot.

    Ryan Neuhart, Jan 10, 2006
  4. Brian

    Ryan Neuhart Guest

    Alright, I ended up adding that boss (through thickening by 0.001") since
    that was easier on my end, and it worked great. I was able to get the
    several cross-sections I needed. They turned out beautifully. Thanks a lot
    for the help.

    Ryan Neuhart, Jan 12, 2006
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