Section Views in SolidWorks 2004

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Per O. Hoel, Oct 2, 2003.

  1. Per O. Hoel

    Per O. Hoel Guest

    Wow! I just used the revamped Section View definition tools in
    SolidWorks 2004 and must say there's been an amazing improvement!

    For anyone who has wanted a user-controlled dynamic clipping plane
    capability, the new display capabilities are terrific with spin-boxes
    for distance and/or angular positioning of planes. Great for a quick
    series of slices in search of interference or insufficient clearance
    areas, thin walls or poor wall thickness transitions, etc.

    If there were drag handles for finer, random movement then it would be
    even better.

    The view settings are retained during the current session, can be
    toggled off/on and it's possible to save one or more section views
    with the native file.

    Take a look. I think you'll be pleased...

    Per O. Hoel
    Per O. Hoel, Oct 2, 2003
  2. Per O. Hoel

    Dave H Guest

    There are handles in the center for linear movement or just click on an edge
    of the plane and drag it to rotate Yes, pretty cool.

    Dave H
    Dave H, Oct 2, 2003
  3. Per O. Hoel

    Steve Davis Guest

    Not only is the section view nice, I am impressed with the improvements in
    I have been very reluctant to use them because of the *.exe thing. but now
    with the zip and other options, It is a great tool.

    Kudos SW.

    Steve Davis, Oct 3, 2003
  4. Per O. Hoel

    bob zee Guest

    yeah, that new section view functionality in swx2004 rocks. it really is a
    shame that bob z. has to sit here and struggle through this error message:
    Sectioning at this postion will produce invalid bodies. Please select a
    different section position.

    why? because our IT genius thinks that we should wait 90 days before
    rolling out swx2004.

    anybody out there looking to hire a slightly schizophrenic design engineer?

    bob z.
    p.s. i bring you fire!

    "people with less brain power than you are doing more difficult things
    bob zee, Oct 3, 2003
  5. Hey Bob, are you the only SW user there? If not, you might suggest that you
    will be the guinea pig for the SW2004 test period. Who knows, might work.

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 3, 2003
  6. Per O. Hoel

    bob zee Guest

    unfortunately, no. bob z. is in this room with about 15 other Cad
    Operators. Awesome operators, they are.
    one guy, 5 to 10 minutes before it is time to go to lunch, stands up from
    his desk, looks around, INSTALLS his sunglasses and walks out. bob z. calls
    him the 'cadinator'. he can run autocad, solidworks, and solitaire all day
    long. simultaneously.
    bob z.

    "people with less brain power than you are doing more difficult things
    bob zee, Oct 3, 2003
  7. Per O. Hoel

    neil Guest

    bob z. needs to find himself a new job...
    bob z. is going to waste....
    neil, Oct 4, 2003
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