Section Title Blocks

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jon Kirkham, Nov 12, 2004.

  1. Jon Kirkham

    Jon Kirkham Guest

    We're in the midst of reviewing our standard section block. It currently
    shows the section number, the page the section was cut on, whether its a
    section, detail, or plan detail, and the scale of the section. All of this
    info is block attributes. We are considering adding a reference to the page
    the section resides on. Does anyone do anything like this, and if so, would
    you be willing to post a screen shot in cf?
    Jon Kirkham, Nov 12, 2004
  2. Jon Kirkham

    teiarch Guest

    General (old time) rule for referencing:

    1. Reference from smallest scale to largest.

    One-way referencing (Rule 1.) is simplest and easiest to manage. Two way referencing is "nice to have" but can become a nightmare if stuff gets shifted around

    If working for a governmental agency, Rule #1 doesn't necessarily apply.

    Most contractors understand one-way referencing and can deal with it
    teiarch, Nov 16, 2004
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