Section Colors

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by 1-2-3, Aug 18, 2006.

  1. 1-2-3

    1-2-3 Guest


    When doing a cross section of an assembly, several of the parts cross
    sectonal view are the same color.

    What I mean is that if the various parts have different color, let's
    say red, blue, green, yellow; in the section thickness the color of
    one or more parts could take the color of another part, like blue.

    It's hard to tell the difference between the 2 parts that have the
    same color.

    Does anyone have the same problem? This happens in Wildfire 2 & 3.

    Hopefully my explanation is clear enough.

    1-2-3, Aug 18, 2006
  2. 1-2-3

    David Janes Guest

    Why wouldn't they all be in the same color? Where do you get the expectation that
    they should be different? that model color should be preserved as section outline
    color? BTW, all mine are black, taken from the config option "section_color" set
    to default which means it goes by what your system color for "Letter" is set to.
    The alternative is to set "section_color" to drawing where drawing color may be
    set to PART COLOR. Convoluted, wouldn't you say!?! in the EXTREME, maybe?
    Uh, oh, this sounds suspiciously like hole and mating shaft both at nominal, no
    allowance in either part... shame, shame.
    You did pretty well, lots better than some. Few are ever clear or detailed enough.
    For example, when I try to picture myself asking a question here, of people who
    are NOT looking over my shoulder and have no clue as to how I got in the pickle
    I'm currently in, I try to imagine dealing with PTC online tech support: they go
    through a drill, asking a ton of seemingly irrelevant questions, for a reason ~
    that's how their AI software works, branching logic, general to particular, "find
    the lion in the Sahara", narrow in down, subdivide/test, subdivide/test, along a
    particular track, see if it leads to the lion (or at least water). Here, we have
    trouble finding out what someone is trying to do, much less, what module they're
    workiing in.
    David Janes, Aug 19, 2006
  3. 1-2-3

    John Wade Guest

    Yes, it does that. In the view manager dialogue box, right click on the
    section and check 'visibility' which turns on the hatch lines - this
    should make it a bit clearer.
    John Wade, Aug 21, 2006
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