Section Arrows

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Arts.ProE, Jun 21, 2007.

  1. Arts.ProE

    Arts.ProE Guest

    I am relatively new to SW.

    When working with Section Arrows, is there a way to move both arrows
    and text and the same time?

    My frustration is that I am moving each one individually.

    Usually when I create a Section View, the Section Arrow callout needs
    some tweaking

    Thank you.

    Arts.ProE, Jun 21, 2007
  2. Arts.ProE

    LinSD Guest

    Section Arrow was linked to the section sketch , so the only way to
    move it is to edit the section sketch.
    LinSD, Jun 21, 2007
  3. Arts.ProE

    Eddie Guest

    This is not true, you can move the section letters and arrows by
    simply selecting them and moving. You do not have to use "Edit

    The answer to the first question is a bit tricky.
    The only way to control movement of both is to apply a "midpoint"
    relation on the original sketch. However, vertical movement can only
    be mimiced on vertical section cutting plane line and vice-versa for
    So, if your section cutting plane line is vertical but you need to
    move the arrows and letters to the right a bit, then you would select
    the dot on the end of the arrow and move it. Of course the letter is
    left behind. Please note that you can select the letter and move it
    toward the arrow and when it gets close, it will snap into its default
    Eddie, Jun 21, 2007
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