I am trying to use the <acet:cFolderName> keyword when I store plt files I generate. I get errors when running the script, it appears that the backslashes are getting stripped from the path. Here is the script that works with a letter pathed to store the files in one directory. (command ".tilemode" "1") (setq expert (getvar "EXPERT")) (setvar "EXPERT" 2) (command "._psetupin" "Z:/Engineering/Electrical/Plot Scripts/UPS_ELEC_D_PLT" "UPS_PLT") (setvar "EXPERT" 0) (command ".filedia" "0") (command "-plot" "n" "model" "UPS_PLT" "hp designjet 750c (e/a0) color" "y" "p:<acet:cBaseName>.plt" "n" "y") (command ".filedia" "1") I want to change the plot command to something like this one to store them in the current drawing path instead. (command "-plot" "n" "model" "UPS_PLT" "hp designjet 750c (e/a0) color" "y" ""<acet:cFolderName>\<acet:cBaseName>.plt"" "n" "y") Any help would be appreciated. I have a vba script that will create a plotfile directory if it doesn't exist if I can get it to see the drawing path correctly. Thanks, Anthony