
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by dveusa, Mar 28, 2006.

  1. dveusa

    dveusa Guest

    I am trying to write a scipt that automatically performs following

    zoom extends

    explode all (I do not want any blocks remaining in the drawing -
    sometimes blocks are nested)

    purge all (to make sure all unwanted items such as legacy block names
    and linetypes are gone)

    wblock (start a new wblock routine that then lets me pick entities to
    form a block and save the block under a certain name while it remains
    in the drawing - after that wblock the entire drawing with a different

    I have come up with following script (that does not work, depending on
    the state of the drawing on which it is applied to):

    zoom e
    explode ALL

    I an trying to learn as I go along but after a full morning wasted I
    would certainly appreciate some help.

    dveusa, Mar 28, 2006
  2. dveusa

    Remo Shiva Guest

    try this:

    ^C^Czoom e^Mexplode all^M^M-purge all^M^Mn^Mwblock^M
    Remo Shiva, Mar 28, 2006
  3. dveusa

    dveusa Guest

    Thanks for the help. Just what I needed to get started on macros.
    dveusa, Mar 30, 2006
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