At the office, we use AutoCAD 2000i. I would like to make some color plots, but I've come across a very strange problem. My plotter is defined in color and all the colors in my plot styles tables has the dithering enabled. I've setup a color testing drawing, because I'm planning to use different shades of a color. To be able to do this I've defined in a CTB where for example: plot style properties color 21 color 131 screening 90% color 22 color 131 screening 80% etc. From my testing I've noticed it works very well with colors that end in 1, for example 131, 141, 151, etc or in 0; 130, 140, 150, etc. But if I choose 133, 143, 153 or 132, 142, 152; it doesn't work well. I get shades of other colors (not even the one on screen as could be the case when dither is off) What is even more surprising is that if plot style properties color 133 color 133 screening 100% color 20 color 133 screening 100% (all the other parameters are the same) You don't get the same result! Color 133 is the same as if I print the complete set of colors at 100%) It doesn’t seem to be a plotter problem because the EPS file that I 've â€plotted†is the same as the output on paper. What is exactly the problem? PS: I could send my eps files, the ctb and pc3 in case it helps. Minimum information: AutoCAD version and patches installed; 2000i (patches don’t know) Windows Version; Printer or Plotter; HP1050C (not as system printer) and eps file Printer or plotter driver details (type like PCL3/5/6 or Postscript, Windows or HDI); shared PC3 files and plot style table format used if any; in pc3 file the plotter is defined as color