Schematics for ISCAS89 benchmarks

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Fazela, Mar 24, 2006.

  1. Fazela

    Fazela Guest

    Hi All,
    I have synthesized verilog netlists of the ISCAS89 benchmarks. I was
    wondering if there was a way to get the schematic view of these
    circuits. I tried doing an "import verilog" but I dont have any
    standard cell library or so. I am just using the default class.v and
    class.lib for synthesis with Design Compiler.
    Is there another way to get the schematics of these circuits?

    Fazela, Mar 24, 2006
  2. Fazela

    hamidrezah Guest

    There is a cell library provided by Prof. Dong S. Ha from Virginia
    Tech. It is free for research instituations. Synthesize your ISCAS
    circuits using Design Analyzer (or Design Vision) and simply view the
    design schematic. You may also use Cadence BuildGates for synthesis.

    There is not much to enjoy from schematics though, plenty of lines and
    gates crossing over each other.

    You may want to try ITC99 benchmark circuits which are larger and more


    hamidrezah, Mar 25, 2006
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