Schematic top net name

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Vissu, Apr 10, 2006.

  1. Vissu

    Vissu Guest


    If I've the context path from the top level schematic cellview, and a
    lower level net/port, how do I get the top level net name? Is there a
    SKILL function?

    Vissu, Apr 10, 2006
  2. geGetAdjustedPath() is probably what you want. For example:

    * *
    * (abGetHierNetName net @optional (window (hiGetCurrentWindow))) *
    * *
    * Given a net object, return the adjusted hierarchical net name. *
    * By adjusted, we mean that the path is adjusted to the net name *
    * at the highest level. *
    * *

    (procedure (abGetHierNetName net @optional (window (hiGetCurrentWindow)))
    (let (netName)
    (setq netName
    (foreach mapcar i (geGetHierMemInst window)
    (dbGetMemName (dbGetq (car i) name) (cadr i)))
    (setq netName
    (if (netName=="/")
    (strcat netName (dbGetq net name))
    (strcat netName "/" (dbGetq net name))
    (geGetAdjustedPath window netName)


    Andrew Beckett, Apr 12, 2006
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