schematic to layout

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by supra, Dec 15, 2006.

  1. supra

    supra Guest

    I am trying to develop the schematic to layout . I would like some
    leads on how to create layout from the cells from the schematic

    It is digital and analog but not semiconductor electronics. It is
    superconducting electronics and cadence cells developed in my group
    and both layout and schematic. So the netlist is a hierarchical
    netlist. I am trying to do a schematic driven layout. But i want to
    supra, Dec 15, 2006
  2. If you have VirtuosoXL license and have the standard cells XL
    compatible, you can use Tool->LayoutXL for schematic driven layout
    design. However, you still would have to create the interconnects
    yourself, the tool will only assist you by tracking connectivity and
    highlighting nets to be connected.
    If you are going to use XL, try out the following,
    Design->Gen From Source, To start with the placement of the devices
    Connectivity->Show Incomplete Nets
    If you want to automate routing itself, look at Virtuoso Custom Router
    and Neocell in the cadence documentation.
    Suresh Jeevanandam, Dec 27, 2006
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