Scale hatches for different printout scales

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by mgiera, Jun 27, 2006.

  1. mgiera

    mgiera Guest

    Hello everybody,

    I'm wondering if there's an way of scaling existing hatches according
    to different scales in print-out.
    e.g.: I've got drawings, drawn in scale 1:50 and hatched for printout
    in a suitable scale. If I want to print extracts (details) from this
    drawing in let's say 1:5, the existing hatches are too huge in scale.
    Is there a way to rescale the existing hatches ? Something like a
    global scale factor which in reverse scales every hatch.

    The problem is, that I want to have the 1:50 drawing as an under-layer
    in my detail drawings as an xref. So I would have to change every hatch
    scale in the main 1:50 drawing, which then would be too dense for
    printing in 1:50. For linetypescale this works really fine using the

    Any comments would be a great benefit for me!
    Thank you!

    mgiera, Jun 27, 2006
  2. No simple way to do what you want in acad.
    Most people would hatch the same thing twice on distinct layers if they want
    to print it a different scales.
    Michael Bulatovich, Jun 27, 2006
  3. mgiera

    mgiera Guest

    Thank you for your quick response!

    So it definitely doesn't work with hatches like it works with

    mgiera, Jun 27, 2006
  4. Definitely.
    Michael Bulatovich, Jun 27, 2006
  5. mgiera

    sakoguy Guest

    Your issue would seem to start with the problem of drawing to scale. In
    AutoCAD you draw the drawing in model space full size, ie 1:1. You plot
    from the layout views (paper space) at the scale you want your sheets
    to plot.
    You should NEVER draw to a scale. I can't even concieve how anyone
    could be productive trying to draw to scale in a computer.
    If you draw 1:1 your hatches will scale according to your viewport
    scale and the LTSCALE factor.
    Every AutoCAD course I have taken or been involved in teaches that you
    draw 1:1 and use viewports in paper space to plot the drawings at the
    scale you need.

    Daryl Stockton
    sakoguy, Jun 29, 2006
  6. mgiera

    Modat22 Guest

    I used to work for an engineering firm where everything was drawn in
    ACAD to scale. This would quickly turn most people's brains to mush.

    After a week of this, I started drawing everything 1 to 1 damn the
    consequences and after the boss saw how much faster I was producing
    made everyone switch. I also had to teach everyone how to scale paper
    space and setup the sheets. No one understood how I could plot every
    sheet whether 1/4 scale of 1=50 at 1 to 1 scale...
    Modat22, Jun 29, 2006
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