Scale command on Selection Set via ObjectARX

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by plorge, Jan 9, 2004.

  1. plorge

    plorge Guest

    I have been trying to do this with no success. Here are a couple of my
    attempts. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    Try #1:
    bRetval =
    RTLB, RTPICKS, ssLegend, RTSTR, " ", RTLE,
    RTPOINT, pt1,
    RTLB, RTREAL, dScale, RTSTR, " ",RTLE,0);
    resbuf* pBuf = acutBuildList(RTSTR,"._scale", RTPICKS, ssLegend,RT3DPOINT,
    p1,RTREAL, dScale,RTNONE);

    if (pBuf)

    {bRetval = acedCmd(pBuf);

    acutRelRb(pBuf); }
    plorge, Jan 9, 2004
  2. plorge

    plorge Guest

    Try #2 on this scale attempt is the following code. Thanks in advance for
    any help.

    resbuf* pBuf = acutBuildList(RTSTR,"._scale", RTPICKS, ssLegend,RT3DPOINT,
    p1,RTREAL, dScale,RTNONE);
    if (pBuf){bRetval = acedCmd(pBuf); acutRelRb(pBuf); }

    Valid values exist for:

    ads_name ssLegend ; //selection set

    double dScale;

    ads_point p1;
    plorge, Jan 9, 2004
  3. plorge

    Mark Propst Guest

    have you tried the arx group?
    Mark Propst, Jan 9, 2004
  4. plorge

    Anne Brown Guest

    plorge -

    The group for ARX issues would be a better place for your
    message. The ObjectARX newsgroup for NTTP newsgroup readers can
    be found at

    You may also access the ARX discussion group via the HTTP
    web-based forums at
    Anne Brown, Jan 11, 2004
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