Scale assembly

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by idprieto, Sep 6, 2006.

  1. idprieto

    idprieto Guest

    I'm looking to scale up a complete assembly. I know you can scale up
    parts but this assembly has many, many parts to it. I much rather
    prefer to do it all at once.
    idprieto, Sep 6, 2006
  2. idprieto

    TOP Guest

    Have you thought through what you are asking?

    Assemblies typically contain fasteners. How are you going to scale
    them? The same goes for standard power transmission items and other

    The strength of materials also does not scale.
    TOP, Sep 7, 2006
  3. idprieto

    CS Guest


    The easiest way to scale all the geometry of an assembly is either to
    place it on a drawing and use the views to scale it (I don't think that
    needed to be mentioned but you never know)

    Or if you need the geometry to be scaled because you imported an inch
    assembly and it came in in meter units (Which I have had happen in some
    cases but it was normally a single item like a bolt or fitting never a
    whole assembly). Then you are going to have to save the assembly as a
    part and scale it as a part. If you need it back into an assembly you
    will have to insert a split feature and save out each body and then RMB
    on the split feature and create an assembly out of it.

    Some questions that would have made for a more clear and precise answer
    would be

    Why do you need to scale an entire assembly?

    If it was an import what type, and from what system?

    CS, Sep 7, 2006
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