Scale a spline in a single dimension

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Michael.D.Plyler, Dec 12, 2007.

  1. How do I scale a spline in only a single dimension. I can scale solid
    features in as many or few dimensions as desired, but I can not find
    the same feature for a 2-D spline. I know that I can dimension each
    point in the spline and scale it that way, but I have many splines to
    scale with many points in each spline.


    Michael.D.Plyler, Dec 12, 2007
  2. Michael.D.Plyler

    mbiasotti Guest

    checkmark "Proportional" in the Spline's Property Manager

    mbiasotti, Dec 12, 2007
  3. Michael.D.Plyler

    zxys Guest

    I could be wrong but he may be wanting (a request I made a few times
    over the years) to scale about one or more of the axis, NON-Uniform

    If that is the case, a workaround is to copy edge (break the links)
    and extrude the splines or sketches as surfaces, then scale the
    surface(s) , then go back adjust your splines manually (or copy/paste
    copied edges ahead of the original sketches) to the new scaled surface

    zxys, Dec 12, 2007
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