Saving several analyses' data while using cornerRun()

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Gunnar Munder, Jan 5, 2005.

  1. Hi Dmitriy,

    to me it looks like you define a simulation and start cornerRun(),
    then you define a new simulation setting and start another
    cornerRun(). Since everytime you enter cornerRun() all previous
    simulation results are deleted only the very last simulation run will
    be left in your results directory after all simulations have finished.

    Why don't you check the ocean script files that are created by the
    corner tool via Save Script somewhere in th menu. There should be one
    file "blabla.ocn" that contains your simulation definitions:

    analysis('ac ... )
    analysis('tran ... )

    Another file "blabla.dcf" contains your corner definitions looking
    like that:

    corAddCorner( "xb06" "wp_ws_85_5" )
    corSetCornerGroupVariant( "xb06" "wp_ws_85_5" "bsim3v3.scs" "wp" )
    corSetCornerRunTempVal( "xb06" "wp_ws_85_5" 85 )
    corSetCornerVarVal( "xb06" "wp_ws_85_5" "vdd" "5" )

    corAddCorner( "xb06" "wp_ws_85_6" )
    corSetCornerGroupVariant( "xb06" "wp_ws_85_6" "bsim3v3.scs" "wp" )
    corSetCornerRunTempVal( "xb06" "wp_ws_85_6" 85 )
    corSetCornerVarVal( "xb06" "wp_ws_85_6" "vdd" "6" )

    after defining all corners and all desired simulations you start
    cornerRun() once and then you will probably receive all simulations
    data you want to.

    Gunnar Munder, Jan 5, 2005
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