Saving & Restoring User Info on Forms

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Oberer, Jan 5, 2005.

  1. Oberer

    Oberer Guest

    From the little vba that i know, if you want to save form/user information you have three choices: text file, database, or the registry.

    I'd like to streamline my 'save' & 'get' functions...

    I'm not too swift with writing to text files, so i typically use a db & tables.

    Here's a little snipet of code that i use:
    ' get login name
    strLoginName = UCase(ThisDrawing.GetVariable("loginname"))

    'if there is at least one record
    If Not oRS.EOF Then
    With oRS
    ' search for matching login name
    .Index = "PrimaryKey"
    .Seek "=", strLoginName
    ' if we find a match, edit the fields
    If .NoMatch = False Then
    End If

    !txtUser = strLoginName
    !txtProject = strProjectName
    !txtSanLatLayer = Me.cboLayerSanitary.Value
    !txtWtrLatLayer = Me.cboLayerWater.Value
    !txtStmLatLayer = Me.cboLayerStorm.Value
    End With
    With oRS
    !txtUser = strLoginName
    End With
    GoTo retry
    End If ' EOF
    Oberer, Jan 5, 2005
  2. Have a look in the VBA help at GetSetting & SaveSetting for an easy way to store data in the registry.
    Regards - Nathan
    Nathan Taylor, Jan 5, 2005
  3. Oberer

    Oberer Guest

    Thanks Nathan. I've never checked out the GS and SS methods. It appears that using the reg is good for a few form variables and is much more straightforwad than writing to a db.
    It seems there are some instances where a table/query still has to be used (acad doesn't sort the layer collection, so if i want to present it sorted, the only way i've found to do so is write to a table and populate the control from a query based on the newly created/populated table. This is REAL pain, considering it could easily be part of the collection (an optional "sort=true" would save us a lot of coding. ))
    Oberer, Jan 6, 2005
  4. Hi,

    GetSettings and SaveSettings save the data under the Current User and as
    such are not helpful on computers used by multiple users.

    Download the RegObj.DLL from the MS web site and this will allow you to
    read/write to the Local Machine area. (The IT Department may not like this,
    but it does make your code much more useable.

    I assemble my settings into a comma separated String and save to the:

    HKLM\Software\CADApps\ProgramData key with a String value such as:
    "AustRoads" holding data like 30,10,3,15,3,50,35,50
    I read this data to a string and then use
    dim vData as Variant
    vData = Split(string, ",")
    and then write the data from vData to the text boxes.

    If you were to be highly consistent and create your text boxes in the
    correct order, you could write code like:
    (This was just typed here - not tested)

    Function PopulateTextBoxes (frmForm as Form)
    Dim i as Integer
    dim sString as String
    dim vData as Variant
    sString = Read it from registry
    If len (sString) = 0 then
    Msgbox "Whatever"
    Exit function
    End if
    vData = Split(string, ",")
    On Error Goto AllBoxesWritten
    frmForm.TextBox1 = vData(i)
    i = i + 1
    frmForm.TextBox2 = vData(i)
    i = i + 1
    frmForm.TextBox3 = vData(i)
    i = i + 1
    frmForm.TextBox4 = vData(i)

    etc for as many text boxes as you think you are likely to have to deal with

    End Function


    Function ReadTextBoxes (frmForm as Form)
    Dim i as Integer
    dim sString as String
    sString = Read it from registry

    On Error Goto AllBoxesRead
    sString = frmForm.TextBox1
    sString = sString & "," & frmForm.TextBox2
    sString = sString & "," & frmForm.TextBox3
    sString = sString & "," & frmForm.TextBox4
    etc for as many text boxes as you think you are likely to have to deal with

    On Error Resume Next
    Write sString to registry
    If err <> 0
    Msgbox "No data saved, Do you have permission to write to registry?"
    End if
    End Function

    I'm not sure how elegant this code is, but it's easy to understand and high

    Laurie Comerford

    that using the reg is good for a few form variables and is much more
    straightforwad than writing to a db.
    (acad doesn't sort the layer collection, so if i want to present it sorted,
    the only way i've found to do so is write to a table and populate the
    control from a query based on the newly created/populated table. This is
    REAL pain, considering it could easily be part of the collection (an
    optional "sort=true" would save us a lot of coding. ))
    Laurie Comerford, Jan 6, 2005
  5. "Laurie Comerford" wrote
    I don't see why. If each user has their own login and
    home folder, then they also have their own user hive
    in the registry.
    Tony Tanzillo, Jan 6, 2005
  6. Hi Tony,

    They certainly do, but the data is not readily shareable.

    The change came from client requests after we originally installed and
    stored our licence files in the Current User area.


    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, Jan 7, 2005
  7. I would agree with Tony in that in this case where information is being stored purely to fill a form with previous data that it would make sense for it to be user specific.
    Regards - Nathan
    Nathan Taylor, Jan 7, 2005
  8. Hi Nathan,

    It depends entirely on the nature of the data. As I said, we were requested
    to put our licence data there and the nature of the data we store is such
    that it should be available to all users.


    Laurie Comerford

    stored purely to fill a form with previous data that it would make sense for
    it to be user specific.
    Laurie Comerford, Jan 7, 2005
  9. Sorry, but I'm getting more and more confused here.

    Are we talking about your license files, or the data that
    the original poster wants to store, for each user?
    Tony Tanzillo, Jan 7, 2005
  10. If its shareable, then it isn't user-specific data. So, where
    it belongs would depend entirely on whether the data is
    shared, or user-specific.

    If it is user-specific data, it belongs in the user hive
    (HKEY_CURRENT_USER). If the data is shared by many
    users, it belongs in the system hive (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE).

    The same applies to data stored in files (user-specific data
    goes in each user's home directory structure, while shared
    data can be in the Program Files/Common Files folder, or
    any other location that's accessable to any user.
    Tony Tanzillo, Jan 7, 2005
  11. Hi Tony,

    I'm sorry for my lack of clarity:

    Let me reiterate:

    The need to use HKLM for the licence data was requested by our clients.
    Many of them have users who share computers on an availability basis and
    they found it highly inconvenient having to setup the licencing for every
    user on every computer due to our initial licensing system relying on data
    in HKCU.

    Having investigated and created a method for putting data in HKLM, it was
    also sensible for the settings data associated with our programs be
    available to all users, rather than having the company create it for each
    user by doing multiple installations and then modifying each set of settings
    data from our defaults for the settings, to match the company requirements.

    This data is user adjustable and can be added to by users. If an individual
    user develops additional data, then it is highly desirable that this data
    also is available to the co-workers.

    Hence for us, HKLM is the way to go.

    Obviously there are other types of data which are user specific, but they
    don't apply in our case.

    If you are still confused, please let me know and I'll try again.


    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, Jan 7, 2005
  12. Sorry, I thought we were discussing the
    circumstances of the original poster, which
    seem to suggest that the data is user-
    specific, as opposed to shared.

    I understand your circumstances (with your
    licensing data), but with regards to user-
    specific settings and data, I don't believe
    this is applicable:
    Shared and user-specific data are mutually exclusive.
    So, if the original poster is saving user-specific data, I
    don't see what the problem is with using the two
    aforementioned functions (other than that they do not
    offer very much flexibility, but that's another kettle of
    Tony Tanzillo, Jan 7, 2005
  13. Laurie,

    I wish, for lots of IT manager's sakes, that you would reconsider _some_ of
    your approach. The rest of my comment is based on the IT perspective.

    I don't mind being forced to do an _initial_ install as an Admin, so that
    some information will get placed in HKLM.
    All my users are now defined as Limited users in WinXP. This helps me keep
    the idiots... I mean, users... from installing Gator and Kazaa and
    This means that all my users would *not* be able to run your programs. This
    is a bad thing, would not you agree?
    To force company standards, sure, place data in HKLM, but make an Admin
    login the one to edit the changes. If any plain-Jane user can edit it, what
    good is it as a "standard"?
    Copy the differential data from HKLM to HKCU and use *that* hive for user
    support and custom settings.

    R. Robert Bell

    Hi Tony,

    I'm sorry for my lack of clarity:

    Let me reiterate:

    The need to use HKLM for the licence data was requested by our clients.
    Many of them have users who share computers on an availability basis and
    they found it highly inconvenient having to setup the licencing for every
    user on every computer due to our initial licensing system relying on data
    in HKCU.

    Having investigated and created a method for putting data in HKLM, it was
    also sensible for the settings data associated with our programs be
    available to all users, rather than having the company create it for each
    user by doing multiple installations and then modifying each set of settings
    data from our defaults for the settings, to match the company requirements.

    This data is user adjustable and can be added to by users. If an individual
    user develops additional data, then it is highly desirable that this data
    also is available to the co-workers.

    Hence for us, HKLM is the way to go.

    Obviously there are other types of data which are user specific, but they
    don't apply in our case.

    If you are still confused, please let me know and I'll try again.


    Laurie Comerford
    R. Robert Bell, Jan 7, 2005
  14. Hi Robert,

    In general I agree with your comments and would like to think I could make
    it work that way.

    However, the situation is not black and white and is dependent on the nature
    of the data we are dealing with.

    Any one of a number of users in the system may create data which is not user
    specific, but company useable and relatively stable, but not necessarily.
    If the user is unable to make that data available via the registry, it means
    that each user has to recreate it, or there has to be a human system in
    place where the user Emails the IT and says "Please do this".

    I have no solution to this problem, but in the absence of a client
    complaint, have not needed to resolve it. Practical suggestions are

    At this stage, I don't really want to go back to writing the data to a file.


    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, Jan 8, 2005
  15. I understand... "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." I know that storing data
    in an external file might not be ideal in your circumstance.

    Personally, one of my tests for "professional software" is if it will run
    under a limited/restricted user. Unhappily, it seems that most design
    software is written without regard to this criteria.

    R. Robert Bell

    Hi Robert,

    In general I agree with your comments and would like to think I could make
    it work that way.

    However, the situation is not black and white and is dependent on the nature
    of the data we are dealing with.

    Any one of a number of users in the system may create data which is not user
    specific, but company useable and relatively stable, but not necessarily.
    If the user is unable to make that data available via the registry, it means
    that each user has to recreate it, or there has to be a human system in
    place where the user Emails the IT and says "Please do this".

    I have no solution to this problem, but in the absence of a client
    complaint, have not needed to resolve it. Practical suggestions are

    At this stage, I don't really want to go back to writing the data to a file.


    Laurie Comerford
    R. Robert Bell, Jan 8, 2005
  16. I agree.
    Registry should hold general options and personal
    settings plus default values. A standard user should
    be able to run the software without problems.
    Installation may require admin, to set some special
    registry values, but that should be it.

    Software that writes usable company data to the registry
    is also hard to move to a new computer.
    This sort of data should be placed in a file or database
    in the user's document or the common files dir
    depending on the type and the intended use of the data.
    Jorge Jimenez, Jan 8, 2005
  17. Like Tony I thought we were discussing the original posters circumstances. If you read the original post it should be clear that Oberor was aready specifically storing the data for each user.

    Regards - Nathan
    Nathan Taylor, Jan 9, 2005
  18. Oberer

    AKS Guest

    In my opinion, writing to the Window's registry exemplifies what is wrong with that OS. Our IT folks wisely keep us from altering it. For what it is worth, the following crude and brute force method of using a text file to save a form's state is easy to manage, fast, easily adapted, and has always worked for me. These are the main componants from a project:

    Sub GetPrefs()
    Dim MacroPref As String
    Dim x As Integer
    Dim stat As Integer
    On Error GoTo skip
    'MacroPref = Preferences.Files.TempFilePath & PrefData
    MacroPref = PrefPath & PrefData
    Open MacroPref For Input As #1
    Do While Not EOF(1) ' Loop until end of file.
    Input #1, Line
    Select Case Left(Line, 3)
    Case Is = "fx:" ' dialog left
    DlgLeft = Right(Line, Len(Line) - 3)
    Case Is = "fy:" ' dialog top
    DlgTop = Right(Line, Len(Line) - 3)
    Case Is = "rs:" ' resolution
    Res = Val(Right(Line, Len(Line) - 3))
    Case Is = "la:" ' resolution
    HidLayer = Right(Line, Len(Line) - 3)
    Case Is = "lt:" ' resolution
    HidLinType = Right(Line, Len(Line) - 3)
    Case Is = "co:" ' resolution
    HidColor = Right(Line, Len(Line) - 3)
    Case Is = "gd:" ' gap distance
    GapDist = Val(Right(Line, Len(Line) - 3))
    Case Is = "ug:" ' use gap distance
    UseGap = Right(Line, Len(Line) - 3)
    Case Is = "ul:" ' use layer
    UseLay = Right(Line, Len(Line) - 3)
    Case Is = "ut:" ' use linetype
    UseLineT = Right(Line, Len(Line) - 3)
    Case Is = "uc:" ' use color
    UseColor = Right(Line, Len(Line) - 3)
    Case Is = "kt:" ' keep trucking
    KeepTruckn = Right(Line, Len(Line) - 3)
    Case Is = "tm:" ' Trim mode
    TrimMode = Right(Line, Len(Line) - 3)
    Case Is = "im:" ' Int mode
    IntMode = Right(Line, Len(Line) - 3)
    End Select
    Close #1 ' Close file.
    On Error GoTo 0
    End Sub

    Private Sub SavePrefs()
    Dim MacroPref As String
    Dim x As Integer
    On Error GoTo skip
    'MacroPref = Preferences.Files.TempFilePath & PrefData
    MacroPref = PrefPath & PrefData
    Close #1
    Open MacroPref For Output As #1
    Print #1, "This is the BREAK2HIDDEN.DVB preferences file. " & Issue
    On Error GoTo skip
    Print #1, "fy:"; DlgTop
    Print #1, "fx:"; DlgLeft
    Print #1, "rs:"; Res ' default resolution
    Print #1, "la:"; HidLayer ' default layer
    Print #1, "lt:"; HidLinType ' default linetype
    Print #1, "co:"; HidColor ' default color
    Print #1, "gd:"; GapDist ' gap distance
    Print #1, "ug:"; UseGap ' use gap distance
    Print #1, "ul:"; UseLay ' use layer
    Print #1, "ut:"; UseLineT ' use linetype
    Print #1, "uc:"; UseColor ' use color
    Print #1, "kt:"; KeepTruckn ' keep trucking mode
    Print #1, "tm:"; TrimMode ' trim mode
    Print #1, "im:"; IntMode ' intersection mode
    Close #1
    On Error GoTo 0
    End Sub

    AKS, Jan 10, 2005
  19. Oberer

    Oberer Guest

    AKS wrote :
    "Re: Saving & Restoring User Info on Forms
    In my opinion, writing to the Window's registry exemplifies what is wrong with that OS. Our IT folks wisely keep us from altering it."

    From lack of info, and not being an IT guy, this has been my opinion. I'm one of those uninformed people who think there's something "special" about the registry.
    If there is, then "... exemplifies what is wrong with that OS..
    " is very appropriate & true.

    I had originally started this thread due to my programming ignorance. I currently store settings in a table. I think I'll stick with the db for now. Thanks for all the help and dicussion. This board is a wealth of information!
    Oberer, Jan 10, 2005
  20. Oberer

    Ed Jobe Guest

    If you want to use files, I you might look into using the api functions for
    working with ini files. This more closely parallels the .NET method of using
    xml and config files. Ini files use [Section] tags and key, value pairs to
    store info and is easy to use.

    with that OS. Our IT folks wisely keep us from altering it."
    one of those uninformed people who think there's something "special" about
    the registry.
    currently store settings in a table. I think I'll stick with the db for
    now. Thanks for all the help and dicussion. This board is a wealth of
    Ed Jobe, Jan 10, 2005
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