saving hidden/unhidden staus in WF2

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by stinky wizzleteet, Aug 2, 2004.

  1. Hi All,

    I'm working on an assembly that waas created using WF1, all is well with
    the model, but when I save the model and reopen it the next day or so
    I'm not seeing the model as I saved it, some things I unhid are hidden
    again and vice versa.

    When I save a model I get a little error saying:
    "WARNING: layer display status was not saved"

    I also noticed I can save the layer satus in layer view, so this
    warning, Is this a bug or a feature ?

    stinky wizzleteet, Aug 2, 2004

  2. view > visibility > save status
    it looks like a feature ...
    stinky wizzleteet, Aug 2, 2004
  3. stinky wizzleteet

    David Janes Guest

    : stinky wizzleteet wrote:
    : > Hi All,
    : >
    : > I'm working on an assembly that waas created using WF1, all is well with
    : > the model, but when I save the model and reopen it the next day or so
    : > I'm not seeing the model as I saved it, some things I unhid are hidden
    : > again and vice versa.
    : >
    : > When I save a model I get a little error saying:
    : > "WARNING: layer display status was not saved"
    : >
    : > I also noticed I can save the layer satus in layer view, so this
    : > warning, Is this a bug or a feature ?
    : >
    : >
    : > wzzl
    : view > visibility > save status
    : it looks like a feature ...

    Starting with WF, hiding stuff has gotten to be a way of life. Sketches are taking
    on a life of their own, this get further solidified in WF2 where sketches can have
    independent, feature status. The way they are dealt with is to group and hide

    Another new hiding function is found on the model tree where you can highlight a
    feature (model mode) and RMB 'Hide' in the menu. This is a temporary situation, no
    functionality exists for saving the status of features hidden this way. This may
    have changed in WF2 ~ view > visibility > save status? I'm not sure, don't have
    WF2 yet so can't check it out.

    Layers, while technically not hiding, but blanking and unblanking, seem to fall in
    this category of view management and have a new interface, the layer tree that
    shares the space with the model tree. As always, blanking a layer does so for the
    in session model. Pro/e makes no assumption about your desire to make this
    permanent and requires a separate 'Save layer status' operation. This was moved to
    the Edit page of the interface. If the status is changed and not saved this way,
    you get the 'Layer status not saved' message when saving the part. And when you
    open the part again, the items on the layers that you thought you blanked are now

    Then, to add a little more variety to the mix, there's the new View Manager
    functionality. In part mode, this combines Orientation and Simp Reps. In assembly
    mode, it adds something new called View Style which lets you create something like
    a Simp Rep, a named display of components with the possibility of changing the
    display of individual components: for example, shaded as the base display and
    several components in wireframe or hlr or even two or three components blanked.
    Each named Style State is settable and gets saved (automatically, can you believe
    it) with assembly. I think it should be possible to also use this in a drawing but
    I don't see how. ('Properties>View State'? but this gives only Simp Rep states).

    I think this is all the hiding we're doing now in Pro/e.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Aug 2, 2004
  4. stinky wizzleteet

    David Janes Guest

    : stinky wizzleteet wrote:
    : > Hi All,
    : >
    : > I'm working on an assembly that waas created using WF1, all is well with
    : > the model, but when I save the model and reopen it the next day or so
    : > I'm not seeing the model as I saved it, some things I unhid are hidden
    : > again and vice versa.
    : >
    : > When I save a model I get a little error saying:
    : > "WARNING: layer display status was not saved"
    : >
    : > I also noticed I can save the layer satus in layer view, so this
    : > warning, Is this a bug or a feature ?
    : >
    : >
    : > wzzl
    : view > visibility > save status
    : it looks like a feature ...

    The following is a summary of a very similar discussion that took place in the
    Model group of the PTC/USER email exploder recently. You might find the commments
    Original Question:

    Part 1...

    The functionality of the Hide command has been ruined in Wildfire, among many
    other things.

    Does anybody know if there is a way to make it so that the Hidden components reset
    to visible automatically the next time the assembly is opened. The way it worked
    in 2001!

    I do not understand why did they change it.

    The more I use Wildfire the more I hate it. It will be hard to defend it the next
    time management decides we need a new CAD package.

    Part 2...

    We are using Wildfire 1.0!

    Another reason why the Hide command functionality is not correct:

    If a component is hidden and that component is part of a sub assembly. The
    sub-assembly is also modified. When you save the upper assembly, the sub assembly
    is also saved.

    Modifying a sub assembly is a problem. We care about revision and version control
    of every Part and Assembly we use. We cannot have a lower level assembly modifying
    just because someone used the hide command in the upper assembly.


    First of all, you're 100% correct on the issue of hiding in Wildfire. It IS now
    ruined. The way that it was in 2001 was the ONLY way to have it work. Some
    people actually like the way that it works in WF. These are obviously people who
    have never realized the true potential of hide functionality.

    Secondly, the reason that it is the way that it is now is because they do NOT have
    "on the fly" features anymore. On-the-fly features are hidden features embedded
    (grouped) into the main feature. Since they are now hidden, the hidden status has
    to remain when you save, so that the next time that you call up a part/assy the
    features will remain hidden.

    I personally think that the biggest problem with it is that you can NOT realize
    that something is hidden, and then do it over. For example, I assemble a part,
    and then I hide it (which should be temporary) to assembly some other stuff. I
    get out of the the assembly. Two weeks later, I call up the same assembly, but
    something is missing, like all the parts that I assmebled the last time that I was
    in there. Not remembering that I had hidden them, I assemble them again. Now
    they're in my model twice! This will not be good for BOM's. AND, do NOT do an
    Uhide All. That will unhide ALL of the grouped hidden on-the-fly datums that were
    created during part creation.

    PTC really missed the boat/hosed this thing up.

    I wish they would have never introduced "hide" functionality, ESPECIALLY IF they
    knew that they were going to change it later on. I went to a 2001 update class,
    and they were touting the fact that it was a TEMPORARY setting only. After that
    class, we really starting using the hide functionality a LOT. We have not gone to
    any versions of WF at this point, but when we do, this will be something that we
    will definitely miss...


    Hide works properly again in Wildfire 2.0.


    PTC changed this behavior in Wildfire 2. In Wildfire 2, hidden components and
    features are added to a layer called "hidden items". If you hide components
    and/or features, then do a "save status" on the layers, the components will remain
    hidden. Otherwise, the components will be visible next time the object is opened.


    Actually I prefer that items stay hidden when I save it that way. Maybe that is
    something there should be a config option for?


    Good luck! I skipped Wildifre and just upgraded from 2001 to WF 2. So far so
    good with WF 2.


    I think you're probably in the vast minority on this one. You're the first person
    I've heard arguing for the hide functionality to reset. Ever since they introduced
    "hide", people have been asking ptc non-stop to save the state for the next time
    it's opened.


    Wildfire 1 retains the hidden status on save; Wildfire 2 allows you to do either
    through a Save Status of the layer functionality.


    They changed it again in WF 2.0. Now when you hide something it puts it on a layer
    (Hidden Items). You can then save the status of the layers and keep them hidden or
    don't save the status and it will reset (2001). That should make all of you happy.


    I thought the original point of 'Hide' was a temporary effect (that could not be

    If saving the visibility status was important, layers and simplified reps and
    model displays covered those specifics - and still do.

    If it's just another route to affect layers (and why must SAVE STATUS save the
    status of ALL layers, not just the ones I -want- to change?) then it'll increase
    the confusion that layers already seem to create.

    It sounds more like a software development consolidation than improved
    functionality - piggybacking one function onto another. Sort of like how drawing
    symbol groups were (WF are?) actually handled secretly by the layer manager (and
    why there are weird restrictions on how drawing symbol groups can be constructed.)


    By the way, just go to WF2.. it is not a big leap and it is the same kernel
    underneath and it got rid of many of WF1's idiosyncracies. There really is no
    reason to put it off to be 'debugged', since it has all the warts of WF1 and all
    the fixes too. If you're using Intralink, it needs 3.3 M021 but that is it.


    Why don't you scrap 1.0 and go the the version that does not have these problems?
    2.0 is working great for me . As far as "the more I use wildfire the more I hate
    it". I guess the old saying "you can' teach and old dog new tricks" sound like it
    applies here. Check the other products that compete against pro and you will see
    that they work allot like wildfire.
    David Janes, Aug 3, 2004
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