Saving changes to PMP or PC3 files

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by arrco, Jul 21, 2004.

  1. arrco

    arrco Guest

    I've posted this problem a few time and have not received any replies, but it's still driving me crazy so here I go again:

    Problem: I've created a PC3 file for an HP800 plotter. When I first created this file, I modified the margins of the standard 30x42 landscape sheet size to print the way I need it to. Acad then tells me upon saving that a PMP file has been created. Great, no problem so far.

    Where I keep hitting the same snag, is now that the PC3 file is created, I need to modify the margins of another sheet, the 24x36 landscape. When I go into Plotter Manager>my PC3file>Device and Document Settings>Modify Printable Area I make the changes I need to make, but after I click Finish, everything reverts back to the way it was before! I've tried then clicking Save As and overwriting the PC3 file, but upon reopening, the changes were NOT saved. I can't open the PMP file to edit it directly, and all of the ACAD help topics regarding PMP files simply tell you how to create one and save one as a new name but not how to modify an existing one.

    This has been driving me up the wall for months and I REALLY need to figure out why AutoCAD is giving me such a hard time about this.

    Any help is greatly appreciated, even guesses, or shots in the dark, or even an idea of a place where I can look for the answer on the web or anywhere, I'm really at my wits end over this. (And the fact that my boss is riding me about it isn't helping)

    Thanks in advace.
    arrco, Jul 21, 2004
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