SaveAS PDF Differences

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by inthepickle, May 2, 2006.

  1. inthepickle

    inthepickle Guest

    Here is the code that I have for a macro that saves a drawing as a PDF.
    Most of this code has came from a macro that I downloaded somewhere.
    I am attempting to change it, but I am having problems. Originally
    Line 25 works great, but it saves the PDF to the directory of the
    drawing. I don't want that, so I added Lines 20-24 to make up my path.
    I then added Line 26 and commented out 25. The Macro did not work at
    all. I need to know why line line 25 works and why line 26 will not.
    If I debug.print either one of them, they are exactly the same. What
    am I doing wrong, and how can I make it work the way I want.

    1 Public swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
    2 Public DrawingDoc As SldWorks.DrawingDoc
    3 Dim ModelDoc As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    4 Dim objWShell As Object
    5 Dim strRegKey As String
    6 Dim lngWarnings As Long
    7 Dim lngErrors As Long
    8 Dim strPDFName As String
    9 Sub main()
    10 Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    11 Set ModelDoc = swApp.ActiveDoc
    12 If Not ModelDoc Is Nothing Then
    13 If ModelDoc.GetType = swDocDRAWING Then
    14 Set DrawingDoc = ModelDoc
    15 strRegKey = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bluebeam
    Software\Pushbutton PDF\SolidWorksLt\WhatToPlot"
    16 Set objWShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    17 objWShell.RegWrite strRegKey, 1
    18 Set objWShell = Nothing
    19 Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    20 FullPath = ModelDoc.GetPathName ' gets the path of the
    21 SlashPosition = InStrRev(FullPath, "\") 'gets the
    position of last \
    22 FileName = Right(FullPath, Len(FullPath) -
    SlashPosition) 'removes path and leaves part name
    23 FileNameNoExt = Left(FileName, Len(FileName) - 7) 'takes
    off the SLDPRT
    24 FolderName = Left$(FileName, 4) 'give 1st 4 characters
    of part name
    25 'strPDFName =
    objFS.GetBaseName(DrawingDoc.GetPathName) & ".PDF")
    26 'strPDFName = "H:\DWGS\" & FolderName & "\" &
    FileNameNoExt & ".PDF"
    27 DrawingDoc.SaveAs4 strPDFName, swSaveAsCurrentVersion,
    swSaveAsOptions_Silent, lngErrors, lngWarnings
    28 Else
    29 MsgBox "A SolidWorks Drawing document must be open in
    order to SaveAs a PDF!", vbInformation
    30 End If
    31 Else
    32 MsgBox "A SolidWorks Drawing document must be open in
    order to SaveAs a PDF!", vbInformation
    33 End If
    34 End Sub
    inthepickle, May 2, 2006
  2. inthepickle

    Mr. Who Guest

    Well the code is pretty ugly and messes with the registry. This is
    much simpler and does the same.

    Dim swApp As Object
    Dim swDrawing As Object
    Dim strName As String
    Dim longErrors As Long
    Dim longWarnings As Long

    Sub main()

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set swDrawing = swApp.ActiveDoc
    If swDrawing.GetType <> 3 Then MsgBox "I only work with drawings.": End

    Path = "c:\temp\"
    strName = Right(swDrawing.GetPathName, Len(swDrawing.GetPathName) -
    Len(Left(swDrawing.GetPathName, InStrRev(swDrawing.GetPathName, "\",
    -1, vbTextCompare))))
    If strName = "" Then MsgBox "Make sure you've saved the drawing before
    trying to create a pdf of it.": End
    boolstatus = swDrawing.SaveAs4(Path & strName & ".pdf", 0, 1,
    longErrors, longWarnings)
    If boolstatus = False Then MsgBox "Something went wrong during save.
    Make sure you have bluebeam added in for older SW versions."

    End Sub
    Mr. Who, May 2, 2006
  3. inthepickle

    SW Monkey Guest

    Code above puts .slddrw in the PDF filename.

    Heres the code I use.

    Dim swApp As Object
    Dim Drawing As Object
    Dim boolstatus As Boolean
    Dim longstatus As Long
    Dim Annotation As Object
    Dim Gtol As Object
    Dim DatumTag As Object
    Dim FeatureData As Object
    Dim Feature As Object
    Dim Component As Object

    Sub main()
    Dim FileName As String
    Dim dotpos As Integer
    Dim slashpos As Integer
    Dim dashpos As Integer

    Set swApp = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application")
    Set Drawing = swApp.ActiveDoc

    If Drawing Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox ("No document loaded")
    Exit Sub
    End If

    If Drawing.GetType <> swDocDRAWING Then
    MsgBox ("This macro only works with drawings.")
    Exit Sub
    End If

    FileName = Drawing.GetPathName
    If FileName = "" Then 'model is not saved yet
    FileName = Drawing.GetTitle
    dashpos = InStrRev(FileName, "-") 'find dash to remove sheet name
    from title i.e. " - sheet1"
    FileName = Mid(FileName, 1, dashpos - 2)
    dotpos = InStrRev(FileName, ".")
    slashpos = InStrRev(FileName, "\")

    If dotpos <> 0 Then ' if contains a dot (extension exists) then
    chop off extension
    FileName = Mid(FileName, slashpos + 1, dotpos - slashpos - 1)
    Else 'does not contain a dot
    FileName = Right(FileName, Len(FileName) - slashpos)
    End If
    End If

    Load UserForm1

    'set the filter
    UserForm1.CommonDialog1.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*|PDF Files
    (*.pdf)|*.pdf|SolidWorks Drawing Files (*.slddrw)|*.slddrw"
    ' Specify default filter.
    UserForm1.CommonDialog1.FilterIndex = 2

    'Set the default file name
    UserForm1.CommonDialog1.FileName = "C:\TEMP-PDF\" + FileName
    'FileName = "C:\xxx.DXF"

    ' Set CancelError is True
    UserForm1.CommonDialog1.CancelError = True

    ' CancelError is True.
    On Error GoTo ErrHandler


    FileName = UserForm1.CommonDialog1.FileName
    Drawing.SaveAs3 FileName, swSaveAsCurrentVersion, swSaveAsOptions
    ' User pressed Cancel button.
    Unload UserForm1
    Exit Sub

    End Sub
    SW Monkey, May 2, 2006
  4. inthepickle

    Mr. Who Guest

    If you want just the basename and not the .slddrw then you can use
    instrev to identify the dot position.

    strBaseName = Left(strName, len(StrName) - InStrRev(1, StrName, ".",

    I think, coding off the top of my head here.
    Mr. Who, May 2, 2006
  5. inthepickle

    inthepickle Guest

    I appreciate everyones help. Let me try again. Here is my simplified
    code. The problem is that when I try to do my SaveAS, I get errors.
    Everything else works OK. Can anyone tell me what is going on with my
    SaveAS, and specifically what I need to change.

    Sub main()
    Dim StartingPath As String
    Dim SlashPosition As Integer
    Dim FileName As String
    Dim FileNameNoExt As String
    Dim FolderName As String
    Dim FinalPath As String

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set ModelDoc = swApp.ActiveDoc

    ' gets the path of the file
    StartingPath = ModelDoc.GetPathName
    'gets the position of last \
    SlashPosition = InStrRev(StartingPath, "\")
    'removes path and leaves part name
    FileName = Right(StartingPath, Len(StartingPath) -
    'takes off the SLDPRT
    FileNameNoExt = Left(FileName, Len(FileName) - 6)
    'give 1st 4 characters of part name
    FolderName = Left$(FileName, 4)
    'final path for save pdf
    FinalPath = "H:\DWGS\" & FolderName & "\" & FileNameNoExt &

    ModelDoc2.SaveAs4 FinalPath, swSaveAsCurrentVersion,

    End Sub
    inthepickle, May 2, 2006
  6. inthepickle

    inthepickle Guest

    I appreciate everyones help. Let me try again. Here is my simplified
    code. The problem is that when I try to do my SaveAS, I get errors.
    Everything else works OK. Can anyone tell me what is going on with my
    SaveAS, and specifically what I need to change.

    Sub main()
    Dim StartingPath As String
    Dim SlashPosition As Integer
    Dim FileName As String
    Dim FileNameNoExt As String
    Dim FolderName As String
    Dim FinalPath As String

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set ModelDoc = swApp.ActiveDoc

    ' gets the path of the file
    StartingPath = ModelDoc.GetPathName
    'gets the position of last \
    SlashPosition = InStrRev(StartingPath, "\")
    'removes path and leaves part name
    FileName = Right(StartingPath, Len(StartingPath) -
    'takes off the SLDPRT
    FileNameNoExt = Left(FileName, Len(FileName) - 6)
    'give 1st 4 characters of part name
    FolderName = Left$(FileName, 4)
    'final path for save pdf
    FinalPath = "H:\DWGS\" & FolderName & "\" & FileNameNoExt &

    ModelDoc2.SaveAs4 FinalPath, swSaveAsCurrentVersion,

    End Sub
    inthepickle, May 2, 2006
  7. inthepickle

    fcsuper Guest

    Hope you don't mind my input...This is assembled from various sources
    and input on eng-tips. I've left in three methods to set where to
    save the PDF. Just comment out the methods not in use. It set it up
    to limit PDFs only of drawings, but it can be changed to produce them
    for models and assemblies too. This code includes error handling.

    Dim SwApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Dim Model As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    Dim MyPath, ModName, NewName As String
    Dim MB As Boolean
    Dim Errs As Long
    Dim Warnings As Long

    Sub main()

    Set SwApp = Application.SldWorks

    ' This ensures that there are files loaded in SolidWorks
    Set Model = SwApp.ActiveDoc
    If Model Is Nothing Then
    MB = MsgBox("No drawing loaded!", vbCritical)
    Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Admonish user if attempted to run macro on part or assy file
    If Model.GetType <> 3 Then
    SwApp.SendMsgToUser "Current document is not a drawing."
    End If

    ' Use one of the three following options for PDF save location
    ' Comment out the options with are not used.

    ' Option 1: Use the current directory
    ' MyPath = CurDir
    ' Option 2: Specify the directory you want to use
    ' MyPath = "C:\PDF"

    ' Option 3: Use the drawing folder
    MyPath = Left(Model.GetPathName, InStrRev(Model.GetPathName, "\") -

    ' Status
    ModName = Left(Model.GetTitle, InStrRev(Model.GetTitle, " Sheet") -
    NewName = ModName & ".pdf"
    MsgBox "Save " & NewName & " to" & Chr(13) & MyPath & Chr(13) &
    Chr(13) & "(No notification will occur " & Chr(13) & "for success PDF

    ' PDF Creation
    MB = Model.SaveAs4(MyPath & "\" & NewName, swSaveAsCurrentVersion,
    swSaveAsOptions_Silent, Errs, Warnings)

    ' Warnings to user on Error
    ' MsgBox "Errors: " & Errs & vbCrLf & "Warnings: " & Warnings
    If Warnings <> 0 Then
    MsgBox "There were warnings. PDF creation may have failed.
    Verify" & Chr(13) & "results and check possible causes.", vbExclamation
    End If

    If MB = False Then
    MsgBox "PDF creation has failed! Check save location, available"
    & Chr(13) & "disk space or other possible causes.", vbCritical
    End If

    'Clear immediate values
    Set Model = Nothing
    Set MyPath = Nothing

    End Sub
    fcsuper, May 3, 2006
  8. inthepickle

    inthepickle Guest

    thx fcsuper. I have tried to use your code, but there is one thing
    that is going wrong. I modified your code by taking out some of the
    error checking and adding FolderName as a variable. Whenever I use
    that variable the save will not work, but if I comment it out, the save
    works fine. What is the deal with that variable. Someone please help
    me with this.

    Dim SwApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Dim Model As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    Dim MyPath, ModName, NewName, FolderName As String
    Dim MB As Boolean
    Dim Errs As Long
    Dim Warnings As Long
    Sub main()

    Set SwApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set Model = SwApp.ActiveDoc

    If Model Is Nothing Then
    MB = MsgBox("No drawing loaded!", vbCritical)
    Exit Sub
    End If

    If Model.GetType <> 3 Then
    SwApp.SendMsgToUser "Current document is not a drawing."
    End If

    ModName = Left(Model.GetTitle, InStrRev(Model.GetTitle, " Sheet") -
    NewName = ModName & ".pdf"
    FolderName = Left(ModName, 4)

    MyPath = "H:\DWGS\" & FolderName & "\" & NewName

    MB = Model.SaveAs4(MyPath, swSaveAsCurrentVersion,
    swSaveAsOptions_Silent, Errs, Warnings)

    End Sub
    inthepickle, May 3, 2006
  9. inthepickle

    inthepickle Guest

    to anyone else out there who is wondering what the answer was. I will
    tell you. It would only save the PDF to a folder that already existed.
    It was not in the code to create a folder. Here is the code that will
    allow you to do this. Hope this helps someone. Thanks everyone for
    your input.

    Dim SwApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Dim Model As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    Dim MyPath, ModName, NewName, FolderName As String
    Dim MB As Boolean
    Dim Errs As Long
    Dim Warnings As Long
    Sub main()

    Set SwApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set Model = SwApp.ActiveDoc

    'checks to see if something is open
    If Model Is Nothing Then
    MB = MsgBox("No drawing loaded!", vbCritical)
    Exit Sub
    End If

    'checks to make sure drawing is open
    If Model.GetType <> 3 Then
    SwApp.SendMsgToUser "Current document is not a drawing."
    End If

    'check to make sure drawing has been saved
    FileName = Model.GetPathName
    If FileName = "" Then
    MB = MsgBox("Save Drawing First!", vbCritical)
    Exit Sub
    End If

    ModName = Left(Model.GetTitle, InStrRev(Model.GetTitle, " Sheet") -
    3) & ".pdf" 'gets file name & adds pdf extension
    FolderName = Left(ModName, 4) 'gets first 4 characters from file

    'CreateDir "H:\DWGS\", FolderName 'creates folder in directory
    uncomment if needed

    MyPath = "H:\DWGS\" & FolderName & "\" & ModName 'only works if
    folder has already been created

    MB = Model.SaveAs4(MyPath, swSaveAsCurrentVersion,
    swSaveAsOptions_Silent, Errs, Warnings)

    'MsgBox "Errors: " & Errs & vbCrLf & "Warnings: " & Warnings
    'If Warnings <> 0 Then
    ' MsgBox "There were warnings. PDF creation may have failed.
    Verify" & Chr(13) & "results and check possible causes.", vbExclamation
    'End If

    'If MB = False Then
    ' MsgBox "PDF creation has failed! Check save location,
    available" & Chr(13) & "disk space or other possible causes.",
    'End If

    End Sub
    Sub CreateDir(Path As String, MyFolder As String)
    Dim stPath As String
    On Error Resume Next
    stPath = Path & "\" & MyFolder
    MkDir stPath
    End Sub
    inthepickle, May 3, 2006
  10. inthepickle

    Mr. Who Guest

    Ah, I think I know what you are doing wrong. You are trying to create
    a folder that matches the name of the drawing and then saving the
    drawing into it.

    So if you had a drawing called MyDraw.slddrw you wanted it saved to:


    But you can't save to a directory that doesn't exist! You will need to
    use the windows filesystemobject to create the directory before trying
    to save into it.

    dim fso as object
    set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    if not fso.folderexists("H:\DWGS\" & FolderName) Then fso.CreateFolder
    "H:\DWGS\" & FolderName

    The other code piece you posted didn't work because you declare
    modeldoc as your document object but then you do the save you used

    Here is my code remodified to account for everything including error
    messages, directory creation, drawing name without file extension, save
    to folder that uses drawing name.
    You can download it at
    Mr. Who, May 3, 2006
  11. inthepickle

    SW Monkey Guest

    Im confused. What are you trying to do that the macro I posted doesnt
    SW Monkey, May 4, 2006
  12. inthepickle

    inthepickle Guest

    I was trying to take the first 4 characters of the Solidworks file name
    and use that variable as a folder name in the path of the place where
    the PDF was going to be saved. In hindsight, my problem was that it
    would only save to a folder that was manually created. I have now
    figured out how to create one on the fly now. Sorry for all of the
    inthepickle, May 5, 2006
  13. inthepickle

    SW Monkey Guest

    fcsuper ,
    Im looking at the macro you posted to replace mine. The issue I have
    with mine and yours is it doesnt notify you if the PDF already exist.
    In SW 2004, my macro did this. Something must have changed in the
    code, but I cant figure it out.

    Any ideas?

    If a PDF already exist in the directory its saving to, I want a message
    asking "are you sure you want to overwrite".
    SW Monkey, May 12, 2006
  14. inthepickle

    Mr. Who Guest

    A simple FileExists call should ensure that you don't overwrite a
    pre-existing file. Only a few additional lines of code.
    Mr. Who, May 15, 2006
  15. inthepickle

    SW Monkey Guest

    I want the user to be allowed to overwrite the file, I just want them
    to be notified that a file exist already.

    Do you know the code I can use for this?

    Like I said, the macro does this in SW 2004, but not in SW 2005.
    SW Monkey, May 15, 2006
  16. inthepickle

    SW Monkey Guest

    I want the user to be allowed to overwrite the file, I just want them
    to be notified that a file exist already.

    Do you know the code I can use for this?

    Like I said, the macro does this in SW 2004, but not in SW 2005.

    Im also trying to figure out how to open the PDF after it is generated.
    This would allow the user to verify everything looks good.
    SW Monkey, May 15, 2006
  17. inthepickle

    Mr. Who Guest

    Just before the save add something like this (make sure you add
    reference to microsoft scripting runtime)

    Dim fso As object
    Dim file as object
    set fso = createobject("Scripting.FileSytemObject")

    if FileExists(PathToWhereFileWillBeSaved) = True Then
    msgbox "I'm going to overwrite this file."
    Set File = PathToWhereFileWillBeSaved
    if FileExists(PathToWhereFileWillBeSaved) = True Then msgbox
    "oops i couldnt delete the file. It must be open already or
    End if
    Mr. Who, May 16, 2006
  18. inthepickle

    SW Monkey Guest

    Mr Who,

    I cant get the above to work with my macro posted above. (I added a
    reference to MS scripting runtime)
    SW Monkey, May 24, 2006
  19. inthepickle

    Mr. Who Guest

    That was just the code outline. The actual working code would be like

    FileName = "C:\temp\myFile.pdf"
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    If fso.FileExists(FileName) = True Then
    MsgBox "I'm going to overwrite: " & FileName
    Set file = fso.GetFile(FileName)
    If fso.FileExists(FileName) = True Then MsgBox "oops i couldnt
    delete the file. It must be open already or something."
    End If

    In terms of integrating it with your existing macro you have to call it
    just before Drawing.SaveAs3 FileName, swSaveAsCurrentVersion,
    swSaveAsOptions. I am assuming that FileName is the full path to the
    PDF file. I can't actually test this with your code because your code
    is dependent on the presence of a userform. Anyone else following this
    thread should take note that you can't cut and paste the monkey code
    and have it work on your system.
    Mr. Who, May 24, 2006
  20. inthepickle

    SW Monkey Guest

    Thanks :)
    Thats odd. It seems to work just fine now. I did the same thing you
    posted, changed "PathToWhereFileWillBeSaved" to "Filename".

    I also removed this line
    FileName = "C:\temp\myFile.pdf"
    Since I already had a variable called Filename.

    It seems to work fine now. Is it bad that I am using a form to store
    the filename?

    LOL @ the "monkey code" comment.
    SW Monkey, May 25, 2006
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