'save' to where?

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by selmra, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. selmra

    selmra Guest

    After loading an assy which draws components from several different
    folders declared in a 'search.pro' file i make modifications to
    several components. When i save the files the modified ones save to
    the default dir and not the dir they came from. how can i have them
    saved in their original folders?

    save_object_in_current no
    override_store_back no
    selmra, Jun 7, 2009
  2. selmra

    Janes Guest

    After loading an assy which draws components from several different
    folders declared in a 'search.pro' file i make modifications to
    several components. When i save the files the modified ones save to
    the default dir and not the dir they came from. how can i have them
    saved in their original folders?

    save_object_in_current no
    override_store_back no

    Wow, search paths! This takes me back to the 90s. And I didn't even use them then, so sorry, no answers here. It does seem, though, that the options you've set should accomplish what you want... IF seach paths are recognized as 'open' folders and get loaded with the file. Recalling how lame Pro/e always was with its DBMS facilities, I somehow doubt that search paths were ever more than a backdoor way of getting component files into session.

    As an 'alternate technique', might I suggest opening the component files directly, either in the folders where they are located or copying to another working directory. Seems like you are heavily dependent on the file management capabilities of your OS for this and would benefit by adopting one of the PDM systems that work with Pro/e to handle this kind of file management function. It's a lot of work up front but it immediately solves THIS type of problem.

    David Janes
    Janes, Jun 7, 2009
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