Save Time

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Nick Paslick, Nov 1, 2004.

  1. Nick Paslick

    Nick Paslick Guest

    I have 2 problems I need help with.
    I am using Acad 2002 and when doing a save as to an R14 dwg format,
    the save takes FOREVER! most of the time it appears as if my pc has
    locked up, but if I wait 4 or 5 minutes it will finally save.
    The other issues is that some of my files show incredibly large file sizes.
    If I erase/all and purge/all so that nothing is visable on the drawing,
    I am still getting file sizes of 1.5 to 2 megs.

    I am using WinXP on a Windows 2000 server network but the
    problems happen when everything is copied local as well.

    Nick Paslick
    Nick Paslick, Nov 1, 2004
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