Save sldworks files as anything you want

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Mr. Who, Apr 30, 2006.

  1. Mr. Who

    Mr. Who Guest

    I wrote this tool for Pete who wanted it to save a directory of
    solidworks drawings out as jpegs. I made it more open ended so that
    you can save any solidworks file as anything. Not sure if it will work
    with save as proE and definitely won't work with save as detached
    drawing. Other than that I think it works with any file type. and download SaveAsTool.swb

    Short Description: Opens all solidworks files of specified type in a
    directory. Each file is saved out under new format.

    To use:
    1. Launch SW Task Scheduler
    2. Run Custom Task from left sidebar
    3. Under macro file path specify the file you just downloaded
    4. Under parameter names enter c:\temp, .slddrw, .jpg for example.
    5. Run it. I assume you have a c:\temp directory to which I can write
    a failure log to. Note that only solidworks documents are currently
    supported. slddrw, sldprt, sldasm, drw, prt, asm.

    If you run into any problems post them here. The error checking is
    extremely basic so if it doesn't work you'll have to debug yourself.
    Mr. Who, Apr 30, 2006
  2. Mr. Who

    TOP Guest


    It is a utility like Conversion Wizard and Copy Options.
    TOP, May 1, 2006
  3. Mr. Who

    TOP Guest


    It is a separate program. Just like SW Conversion Wizard.
    TOP, May 1, 2006
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