save only objects in layout

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by kDispoto, Sep 13, 2003.

  1. kDispoto

    kDispoto Guest

    Hello out there.

    I was asked a question by another user.

    They have a dwg which has a number of layouts (ie phase 1, 2, 3...).

    They wanted to know if there was an easy way to isolate and save
    (export/wblock ) each phase as a separate dwg without the extra baggage
    (non-showing objects) of the other phases included in the individual dwgs?

    In other words.
    when saved-as/wblocked Phase 1 dwg would only include the (model space &
    paper space) objects that appeared when the phase 1 layout tab was active.
    Items frozen/off in the viewports would not have been included.

    Let me know if I'm clear enough.

    Ken Dispoto
    NJAUG Vice Prez
    kDispoto, Sep 13, 2003
  2. kDispoto

    Paul Turvill Guest

    You could do what you describe, but it's a lot of work, and probably
    unnecessary (i.e., delete all of the objects (layers) not shown in the
    viewports you want to export, then SAVEAS the drawing). And you end up with
    several drawings containing different parts of the project, which IMO makes
    drawing maintenance a total nightmare.

    A better solution might be to simply XREF the master drawing into another
    drawing or drawings that contain nothing but one or more Sheet Layouts. This
    way, there's no "extra baggage" in the layout drawings, and no chance you'll
    inadvertently delete something you may need later.
    Paul Turvill, Sep 13, 2003
  3. kDispoto

    Dave Jones Guest

    agreed...this is why layer name planning and proper Xref'ing is so important
    up front. I've just finished a very large 4 phase project that took over a
    year to complete and in the beginning my customer indicated that all phases
    were to be done in one complete set of drawings. Having been around for
    awhile, I anticipated the need for separate drawings for the four phases,
    and sure enough, near the end that's exactly what I was asked for. No
    problem...a little lisp to manipulate layers and XRef's, and to the plotter
    each phase went :)
    Dave Jones, Sep 13, 2003
  4. kDispoto

    Guest Guest

    I thought it was a good question.
    I come across the same problem in a simpler format where I wish to etransmit
    a larger drawing that has serveral layers that are turned off in the layout.
    and purge blocks and Xrefs and images not reference after the swithed off
    layers have been removed. Not an easy task (or is it) and the xref and
    images make it more difficult.

    The easiest way would be to eplot it to a DWF or PDF file.

    PDF has been the best solution so far.

    But often people want the raw autocad data without all the extra leftovers.

    There is a simliar problem with people who use layouts then later try to
    split the drawing into indiviual drawings.

    Is there another solution? (I think in programs like Land Desktop there
    is...but that is not a solution here)
    Guest, Sep 14, 2003
  5. kDispoto

    kDispoto Guest

    Couldn't agree with you more. I use xrefs all the time; but the people I
    just got involved with said "we don't use xrefs". I volunteered to help go
    over it (via phone) but they're not interested. They don't want to make
    things "difficult" but apparently longer is okay - go figure?

    I'm not entirely sure what's in the other parts of the file I'm not suppose
    to see - perhaps I'll inquire next time I need to get some dwgs from them.

    I said I would check out to see if the individual dwgs could be "broken out"
    into separate dwgs with a small routine.
    So here I am asking if a small routine is out there already that I could
    help them with.

    Thanks Paul

    Ken Dispoto
    NJAUG,Vice Prez
    kDispoto, Sep 14, 2003
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