save failed in objectDBX - A2K5

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Mike Weaver, Apr 27, 2004.

  1. Mike Weaver

    Mike Weaver Guest

    I have the following code that fails on the statement.

    Suggestions would be appreciated.

    Mike Weaver

    'Given a collection of layers , push the properties of each of those layers
    out to the target drawing
    'including xreffed layers in the target that match the base layer name in
    the source
    Public Function PushLayersToOne(objSourceLayers As Collection,
    strTargetPathName As String) As Integer

    'Dim strSourceDwg As String
    Dim objDwg As AxDbDocument
    Dim intI As Integer
    Dim strSourcePath As String
    Dim objSourceLayer As AcadLayer
    Dim strSourceLayerName As String
    Dim objTargetLayers As AcadLayers
    Dim objTargetLayer As AcadLayer

    Set objDwg = GetInterfaceObject("ObjectDBX.AxDbDocument.16")

    'strSourcePath = ThisDrawing.Path & "\Standards\" & ThisDrawing.Name
    strSourcePath = ThisDrawing.FullName

    'strSourcePath = strSourcePath
    If strTargetPathName Like strSourcePath Then GoTo ExitHere
    If strTargetPathName = "" Then GoTo ExitHere

    objDwg.Open strTargetPathName
    Set objTargetLayers = objDwg.Layers

    For Each objSourceLayer In objSourceLayers
    strSourceLayerName = objSourceLayer.Name
    For Each objTargetLayer In objTargetLayers
    If objTargetLayer.Name Like "*|" & strSourceLayerName & "*" Then
    On Error Resume Next
    With objTargetLayer
    .Freeze = objSourceLayer.Freeze
    .LayerOn = objSourceLayer.LayerOn
    .Linetype = objSourceLayer.Linetype
    .Lineweight = objSourceLayer.Lineweight
    .Lock = objSourceLayer.Lock
    '.PlotStyleName = objSourceLayer.PlotStyleName
    .Plottable = objSourceLayer.Plottable
    .TrueColor = objSourceLayer.TrueColor
    .ViewportDefault = objSourceLayer.ViewportDefault
    End With
    End If
    Next objTargetLayer
    Next objSourceLayer

    On Error Resume Next
    '### The next statement fails every time

    If Err.Number = -2147467259 Then GoTo SaveFailed

    Set objDwg = Nothing

    PushLayersToOne = objSourceLayers.Count

    On Error GoTo 0
    Exit Function

    On Error GoTo 0
    MsgBox "The save operation failed on: " & strTargetPathName
    Set objDwg = Nothing
    Exit Function

    MsgBox "Are you trying to run me in circles?", vbOKOnly, "What???"

    End Function
    Mike Weaver, Apr 27, 2004
  2. Mike Weaver

    Mark Propst Guest

    unless they fixed it in 2005, .save never worked, try saveas method
    Mark Propst, Apr 27, 2004
  3. Mike Weaver

    Mike Weaver Guest

    Is that all it takes?
    Thanks Mark. I can say they haven't fixed it in 2005, so I will switch to

    Mike Weaver, Apr 28, 2004
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