Save ADT4.4 to Acad2002....NO WAY!!!?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Anthony Mitchell, Jul 3, 2003.

  1. We have recently upgraded 4 stations to ADT 4.4 from 3.3. The rest of the
    practice still uses 3.3. Therefore we have a problem as all the drawings are
    on a central server. If a 4.4 station saves a drawing back to the server the
    other 3.3 stations cannot read this file. You would would think that it
    would be relatively easy to "Save as" back to a 2000 version...... HOWEVER,
    ADT4.4 does not allow this because they say that there are "intelligent"
    objects that will basically be destroyed if you save them to an earlier
    format, fair enough.

    We want to use 4.4 for some visual apps along with Viz Render and these
    drawings will not be accessed by any 3.3 stations so saving them is not a
    problem. We do though need to open and save older files not adding any 4.4
    content but rather just use pure autocad.

    I have tried using their suggested work around and not loading up the ADT
    menus ect and I get pure acad 2004, where I can save as 2000, however I lose
    basic commands such as Osnap properties, Mtext edit doesn't work properly,
    and a few other tools don't work that work FINE when 4.4 is loaded, however
    they are basic CAD functions. Why does this happen?

    Is there anyway of making 4.4 save as 200 dwg format, I know that you can do
    it also be setting FILEDIA to 0 and doing it all through text, however this
    is time consuming and since the files are on a server, difficult to remember
    addresses to type...

    I guess basically my question is, "How can I get ADT4.4 to save as 2000
    without losing basic Autocad commands?"

    Thankyou for all your help.

    Anthony Mitchell, Jul 3, 2003
  2. Anthony Mitchell

    CW Guest

    I think you are missing the point. This is AutoDesk. They have accomplished
    what they set out to do. Transfer money from your bank account to theirs.
    You'll take what they give you and like it. Now, be a good little slave and
    keep sending money.
    CW, Jul 4, 2003
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