Save a Sketch to alter slightly.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by amylabritto, May 9, 2007.

  1. amylabritto

    amylabritto Guest

    Many is the time I need to make several models almost identical in
    size and nature. Is there a way that I can roll back the first design
    tree, for example, all the way back to the first sketch, and save the
    original sketch so that I can continue from there and change where it
    needs to be changed so that I do not have to make the basic sketch
    all over again?
    I would be grateful for a clue,
    amylabritto, May 9, 2007
  2. Did you try "copy" and "paste" or better yet use "configurations"

    Michael Eckstein, May 9, 2007
  3. Or "save as" a "copy" with a new name, and modify to your needs.
    Michael Eckstein, May 9, 2007
  4. amylabritto

    amylabritto Guest

    I do not know Configurations yet, but I will try the other two
    methods, thank you!
    Amy Labritto
    amylabritto, May 9, 2007
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