SamReport-Lite options disabled

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by RaghuMN, Jun 29, 2004.

  1. RaghuMN

    RaghuMN Guest

    Hi all,

    We have installed SamReport-Lite software. We got the license from to install and everything is legal.

    The problem is, the options 'Usage Over Time Report' , 'Summary Bar Chart', 'High Water Mark Report' and other graphical reports are disabled.

    I am able to get only the TXT form of report.

    Any idea of why this happens? How to rectify this?

    Thanks for any suggestions.

    RaghuMN, Jun 29, 2004
  2. SAMreport-Lite will only produce a Usage Summary report. The other options
    require full SAMreport to be purchased from Macrovision.

    With regards to the report output are you 100% sure you also have the html
    checkbox selected ?

    Simon Gillis
    Autodesk Product Support to install and everything is legal.
    Chart', 'High Water Mark Report' and other graphical reports are disabled.
    Simon Gillis \(Autodesk Product Support\), Jun 29, 2004
  3. RaghuMN

    RaghuMN Guest

    Thanks Simon,

    I have also tried with html checkbox selected.
    Are you sure that only one option is available with the default samreport-lite version as given by autodesk?

    Thanks for the continuing help,

    RaghuMN, Jun 30, 2004
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