Same Linetype & Scale but Different Appearance?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Simon, Dec 2, 2004.

  1. Simon

    Simon Guest

    Hi all,

    I have two drawings using the same linetypes and linetype scales but plines
    appear much with much larger spacing for dashed or hidden lines. Why?

    Simon, Dec 2, 2004
  2. Simon

    arrco Guest

    Check to make sure that none of the linetype scales for the individual lines have been modified/overridden. If a line has had it's LTS overridden to be say 0.5 then it would display smaller than one with LTS set to 1 even with the same drawing LTS.

    Hope that helps or is at least a start.
    arrco, Dec 2, 2004
  3. Simon

    Dustin Guest

    make sure ltscale and psltscale are both set the same in each drawing. Also
    check the viewports to make sure psltscale has not changed. You can change
    each view ports psltscale setting

    lines have been modified/overridden. If a line has had it's LTS overridden
    to be say 0.5 then it would display smaller than one with LTS set to 1 even
    with the same drawing LTS.
    Dustin, Dec 2, 2004
  4. Simon

    wookie Guest

    If that doesnt work try this.......

    There are two line type definition files.
    acad.lin for imperial users and
    acadiso.lin for metric users.
    Then type LT to open the linetype manager and load all the linetypes from the appropriate file, say 'yes to all' replace existing linetypes, then purge out the ones that you dont use.
    Do this in both drawings and they will look the same.
    wookie, Dec 2, 2004
  5. Simon

    Paul Turvill Guest

    In addition to looking at all of the other suggestions, check to see if the
    PLINEGEN setting is the same in both drawings, and that the LTgen setting
    (PEDIT subcommand) is the same in all of the polylines. I suspect the
    problem lies here, if polylines are the only objects affected.
    Paul Turvill, Dec 3, 2004
  6. Simon

    Simon Guest

    Thanks everyone for your help:) Wookie's suggestion alleviated the problem.
    I must have had imperial lines loaded in some metric dwgs but not in the
    xrefs. But unfortunately, loading the "proper" .lin file adversly affects
    the currently nice dash scale of a significant number of A-FLOR-ABOV
    lines/plines, i.e. they get huuuge.

    Since I want to keep the look of the current lines, I guess the best
    (long-term) solution to add this "new" line type into the acadiso.lin? Is it
    possible both imp and metric can be loaded at once?

    Also, apart from reloading the .lin files, is there another way to I confirm
    which .lin file is loaded?

    Simon, Dec 3, 2004
  7. Linetypes are loaded individually so yes, you can have one linetype loaded
    from the acad.lin file and another linetype from the acadiso.lin and another
    from a custom.lin file in one drawing. The limitation is that they cannot
    have the same name (can't have two different linetypes with same name loaded
    in one drawing.)

    Another option is to apply a linetype scale directly to the object that you
    want to look different. (Note that this scale is multiplied by the drawings
    ltscale) To do this, select the object, and then using the properties
    dialog box, change the LinetypeScale.

    Casey Roberts, Dec 3, 2004
  8. Simon

    Bill DeShawn Guest

    PSLTSCALE has only two settings: 0 and 1

    Command: PLSTSCALE

    Type: Integer
    Saved in: Drawing
    Initial value: 1

    Controls paper space linetype scaling.

    0 No special linetype scaling. Linetype dash lengths are based on the
    drawing units of the space (model or paper) in which the objects were
    created. Scaled by the global LTSCALE factor.

    1 Viewport scaling governs linetype scaling. If TILEMODE is set to 0, dash
    lengths are based on paper space drawing units, even for objects in model
    space. In this mode, viewports can have varying magnifications, yet display
    linetypes identically. For a specific linetype, the dash lengths of a line
    in a viewport are the same as the dash lengths of a line in paper space. You
    can still control the dash lengths with LTSCALE.

    When you change PSLTSCALE or use a command such as ZOOM with PSLTSCALE set
    to 1, objects in viewports are not automatically regenerated with the new
    linetype scale. Use the REGEN or REGENALL commands to update the linetype
    scales in each viewport.
    Bill DeShawn, Dec 4, 2004
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