safest way to move file?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Nathan Feculak, Apr 30, 2004.

  1. I have a few projects on my local workstation and I would like to move them
    to the server. what is the best way to move the files so that I don't create
    any problems?
    I have all the files for one project in one folder. can I just cut and past
    to the directory on the server?

    Nathan Feculak, Apr 30, 2004
  2. I know that, and that is what I am worried about.
    any suggestions as to the best way to learn these dependences
    Nathan Feculak, Apr 30, 2004
  3. Nathan Feculak

    Mike Lamora Guest

    This is a big problem for alot of companies, especially if you have
    multiple users working on the same project.

    Many companies use a PDM system for this and other tasks.

    There is a way to do it easier without a PDM system. You could use
    SolidWorks Explorer also. I did a quick search on the SolidWorks Sub
    site but could not find the reference up there. I have it all in a word
    document if you or anyone else is interested.

    Let me know and I can email it to you.

    Mike Lamora, Apr 30, 2004
  4. Nathan Feculak

    Mike Lamora Guest

    Just wanted to clarify my statement, there is an easier way to manage
    alot of these documents and see references if you dont have a pdm system.

    sorry for the confusion,

    Mike Lamora, Apr 30, 2004

  5. Here's something that might help. I believe that the following was copied
    out of the SW help files:

    When you open any parent document, the other documents that are
    referenced in the parent document are loaded into memory also. In the
    case of assemblies, components are loaded in memory according to the
    suppression state they were in when the assembly was saved. By default,
    the software searches for referenced documents in the following order:

    1) The paths specified in the Folders list, if the Search file locations
    for external references check box is selected.

    See File Locations Options (for the Folders list) and External
    References Options (for the Search file locations for external
    references check box.)

    2) The last path you specified to open a document.

    3) The last path the system used to open a document (in the case of the
    system opening a referenced document last).

    4) The path where the referenced document was located when the parent
    document was last saved.

    5) The path where the referenced document was located when the parent
    document was last saved with the original disk drive designation.

    6) If a referenced file still is not found, you are given the option to
    browse for it.

    NOTE: All updated reference paths in the parent document are saved when
    you save the parent document.

    Thanks to Matt, who originally posted it back in 2001. If you think about
    the above for a while, you will realize that it is really easy for the
    software to find the wrong stuff if you have parts and assemblies with the
    same names.

    Here's another post from the same year where Ed Eaton talks about what
    happens before you get to the above priorities:

    So, SolidWorks has a hierarchy, which it uses to evaluate which referenced
    file to use.
    It goes in the following order
    1) named file in memory. If a part with the correct name is already open,
    it will use that one, regardless of directory structure on your hard drive,
    or even if it is the appropriate file. This is why it is critical that you
    never name a file simply 'flange', 'bracket', 'caster', or any other generic
    name that may appear in other assemblies that you work on. The way to go is
    always' left flange for hyperspace coil 6-2-01 spacely sprockets ', or a
    unique part number if your company is into that sort of thing.
    2) the 'in use directory'. If a part of the correct name exists in the 'in
    use directory' (most of the time, the directory where your assembly
    resides), SW will use that one, even if you had made explicit attempts to
    point the assembly to use a part in a different directory. SW doesn't care
    about good intentions.. it just cares about its internal rules regarding
    file locations (tip! use this to your advantage when substituting one part
    for another!)
    3) The specified directory for the file. Only after SW has run the prior
    two checks, will it even bother to find the part in the location where you
    actually specified that it would be.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Apr 30, 2004
  6. Nathan Feculak

    matt Guest


    If you look the same data up in the SW04 help, the list of 6 paths where SW
    looks for referenced docs has expanded to 13, and honestly, I can't make
    heads nor tails of it. At least the old list you posted was

    matt, Apr 30, 2004
  7. Nathan Feculak

    TheTick Guest

    Read the SW help re: search directories. There is a list of the
    sequence SW goes through to find referenced files.

    One aspect of this is that SW searches the relative path before the
    absolute path. If you copied an entire directory "project" from
    "C:/project" to "D:/archive/project", and opened a drawing or assembly
    from the new "D:/archive/project" location, SW will search for
    components before it searches "C:/project".

    You may want to run some experiments to gain trust in moving and
    copying entire directory structures.
    TheTick, May 1, 2004
  8. Nathan Feculak

    cadishaq Guest

    Move with Windows explorer = Russian Roulette

    cadishaq, May 2, 2004
  9. Nathan Feculak

    kellnerp Guest

    I tried to get SW to explain the process of how SW looks for files because
    we had trouble with SW finding same named files all over the network. The
    response was that it was complicated. When I asked how to know just where
    SW actually got a file from the answer was that that information was buried
    deep in the code. Neither answer was very useful.

    The one thing that did come out of my discussion is that search pathes that
    can be pinned down should be pinned down. In particular the Referenced
    Files path should be set.
    kellnerp, May 3, 2004
  10. Nathan Feculak

    Mark Reimer Guest

    Below is the current search order as described in the online help. At first
    glace it looks confusing, but closer inspection and taking a little time to
    see what is described in each example, the search sequence makes sense. The
    only thing that appears to be incorrectly stated is when the search actually
    kicks in.

    Note the first sentence where it says "When a referenced Document cannot be
    found, SolidWorks performs a search to locate the document." The way I would
    understand that is that the search routine does not kick in until a document
    is not found where it was last saved at the time the document that referred
    to it was saved. But I see that in the current search order below,
    SolidWorks searches the last saved location in step 12. Why would it do that
    if it had already determined that the referred document was not there? Could
    this be a doublecheck, or does this search only apply if either the referred
    document or the referring document is moved as in the example below? A few
    simple tests would reveal the answer, so I did that for my own understanding
    of the process. I am using SW 2004 with SP03.

    In Tools, Options, Referenced Documents, I added the path to a folder on
    another network drive, then in External References, I selected the option to
    "Search file locations for external references". I then opened an assembly
    that referred to several components, looked at the properties of one of the
    components, saw the folder that it was being referenced from, closed the
    assembly without saving it and closed SolidWorks. I then copied the
    component part file from the current folder to the folder I added to
    "Referenced Documents" using Windows Explorer. When I opened the assembly
    and looked at the properties, I saw that it was now referring to the file
    located in the "Referenced Documents" folder.

    This would indicate to me that at least if you select the option to "Search
    file locations for external references", the search criteria is always used,
    even if nothing has changed in either of the files, not just if a referenced
    document is not found as the online help states.

    In Tools, Options, External References, I unchecked the option to "Search
    file locations for external references". I closed all documents and moved
    the copy of the referenced document from the "Referenced Documents" folder
    to the same folder as the assembly that referred to it. When I opened the
    assembly, the part file that was referred to was the one in the assembly's

    This indicates that step 8 in the search was performed before step 12, since
    the path of the active document (the assembly) was found before the original
    path. This indicates to me that, the search criteria is ALWAYS used, even if
    nothing has changed in either of the files, not just if a referenced
    document is not found as the online help states.

    It is unclear until closer inspection that Steps 2 thru 7 are dependent on
    the Tools, Options setting for "Search file locations for external
    references" and are skipped entirely if not seleted.

    From SolidWorks 2004 help, reformatted for text only readablity...
    Searching for Referenced Documents

    When a referenced document cannot be found, SolidWorks performs a search to
    locate the document. For example, this search may occur when you open a
    drawing and the referenced assembly cannot be found or when you resolve a
    lightweight component in an assembly and the component cannot be found.

    When a referenced document is found, the software updates the path to the
    referenced document in the parent document. When you save the parent
    document, the updated path is saved as well.

    The Rules column below describes the search routine that the software uses
    to locate a missing referenced document.

    The Examples column shows the paths that the software checks using the
    following scenario:

    The assembly was last saved as C:\zz\a1.sldasm. You move the assembly to

    The first part in the assembly was last saved as C:\qq\p1.sldprt. You do not
    move this part.

    The second part in the assembly was last saved as C:\zz\yy\xx\p2.sldprt.
    This part is missing either through deletion, renaming, or some other file
    management mistake.

    There are two paths in the Folders list of the File Locations Options dialog
    box: D:\aa\bb\ and E:\cc\dd\

    You click File, Open to open a1.sldasm in its new location.

    Rules and Examples
    1. Uses any open document with the same name.

    If p2.sldprt is in another open document, SolidWorks uses this version of

    2. Searches the first path that you specify in the Folders list in the File
    Locations Options dialog box.

    NOTE: You must select the Search file locations for external references
    check box in the External References Options dialog box or else SolidWorks
    ignores the paths that you specify.


    3. Searches the path in Step 2 plus the last folder in the path where the
    referenced document was last saved.


    4. Searches the path in Step 2 plus the last two folders in the path where
    the referenced document was last saved.



    5. Repeats Step 4 until the full original path has been appended to the the
    path in Step 2.

    NOTE: This concept of adding one folder at a time from the full path will be
    called "recursive searching" in the following steps.


    6. Recursively searches the first path in the Folders list, then recursively
    searches the path where the referenced document was last saved.







    7. Repeats Steps 2 through 6 for the other folders in the Folders list.











    8. Searches the path of the active document, then recursively searches the
    path where the referenced document was last saved.











    9. Searches the path where you last opened a document, then recursively
    searches the path where the referenced document was last saved.

    NOTE: In most cases, the path of the active document and the path where you
    last opened a document are the same.

    The two paths are different if you click File, Open to open one document,
    then drag and drop an assembly from Windows Explorer into that document. The
    path of the active document is the path from Windows Explorer and the path
    where you last opened a document is the path from File, Open.

    same as Step 8

    10. Searches the path where the software last found a referenced document.

    This is the location of p1.sldprt.

    11. Searches the full path where the document was last saved without a drive

    This is useful if you save a part with a UNC path such as

    12. Searches the full path where the document was last saved with its
    original drive designation.


    13. Allows you to browse for the document yourself.

    End of SolidWorks Help Exerpt.

    Mark Reimer, May 3, 2004
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