S/W for Dummies

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by FrankW, Sep 15, 2005.

  1. FrankW

    FrankW Guest

    My Boss poked his head in my cubicle and asked if I needed it.
    Bugger :)
    FrankW, Sep 15, 2005
  2. FrankW

    TOP Guest

    Just ask him if you can read his copy when he gets done with it. :)
    TOP, Sep 15, 2005
  3. FrankW

    pete Guest

    This would be a massive money spinner for the dummies publishers, as it
    would need many editions to keep up with all the changes, bug fixes and new
    bugs in SW.
    Solidworks for dummies 2005 sp5.0, hold on, wasn't Solidworks 2006 sp0.0 out
    first, lol
    I have just had a week off, no pc's, no SW, just the sun, the beach and a
    few flying bugs, am I looking forward to Monday? Noooo :-(
    oh well sign!
    pete, Sep 16, 2005
  4. FrankW

    Jo Guest

    Maybe thats where all the SW programmers are getting their new
    Jo, Sep 24, 2005
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