S::Startup Question about texttofront command

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Tom Hanley, Oct 8, 2004.

  1. Tom Hanley

    Tom Hanley Guest

    LDT2005 on both Win2000 & XP OS, Network Server running Win2000

    I am trying to run this in my startup and it appears to work but when it
    finishes, I can no longer click to change paper/model space with my mouse.
    If I run the command at the command line it doesn't affect the mouse click

    (command "texttofront" "b")

    My whole acad.lsp is below.....

    (defun-q MYSTARTUP ( )

    (defun C:LayerFiltersDelete ()
    '(lambda ()
    (vla-Remove (vla-GetExtensionDictionary
    (princ "\nAll layer filters have been deleted.")

    (defun C:LFD () (C:LayerFiltersDelete))
    (command "texttofront" "b")


    (setq S::STARTUP (append S::STARTUP MYSTARTUP))
    Tom Hanley, Oct 8, 2004
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