Running the Flexible Sub-Assembly Gauntlet

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by POH, Feb 23, 2005.

  1. POH

    POH Guest

    In working with an assembly with flexible sub-assemblies, I often have
    difficulty understanding the cause of certain errors.

    Let me preface this example by mentioning that, even though I have used
    multiple instances of a particular sub-assembly, NO alternate
    configurations are active simultaneously. (SolidWorks can often not
    properly reconcile two different configurations of a file at the same

    How can it be that an assembly which functions properly with flexible
    sub-assemblies (and has NO feature or mate errors) is saved, reopened
    and is THEN riddled with mate problems (along with error or rebuild
    flags in the Feature Manager)?

    I've found that (by toggling one or more sub-assemblies to "rigid" and
    then BACK to "flexible") it is possible to restore the assembly to its'
    error-free condition. Unfortunately, this may be necessary the next
    time the file is saved and reopened.

    Am I overlooking something that I should be doing differently?

    Is SolidWorks simply having trouble rebuilding its' own data?

    Thanks in advance for your input...

    Per O. Hoel
    POH, Feb 23, 2005
  2. POH

    Michael Guest

    well, flexibles can be a little flaky (don't you just love quality

    To get rid of the errors, one thing you might want to try before messing
    around with toggling the assembly state is to try a cntrl-Q (forced
    rebuild). At least for me, that generally resolves the mate problems (aka,
    the tree of blood)

    as to your question--yes, Solidworks is having trouble rebuilding its own
    Michael, Feb 23, 2005
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