Running multiple DC simulations using ocean

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Srivathsan Krishnamohan, Oct 20, 2003.

  1. Hi all,

    I would like to run Multiple DC simulations for a circuit, with input
    value changed during every run. I tried writing a script using ocean to
    run the simulations in couple of ways. I ran a loop for the number of
    operands available and tried to change the inputs to the DC simulation
    every time.

    (i) First I tried to change the stimulus file for every iteration with
    the command - stimulusFile("filename"). This requires that the design
    be specified as design("lib" "cell" "view") according to ocean help.
    When i specified my library, cell and schematic view and ran the ocean
    script it complains saying "*Error* Currently you can not specify a
    lib-cell-view with the design() command in ocean". I believe the ocean
    version being used is 4.4.6.

    (ii) I gave up on the stimulusFile approach and tried to generate the
    netlist with the stimuli. I edit the file called "netlist" to include
    the stimuli within "netlist", using the ocean script. The idea is, when
    the input.scs would be generated it would pick up the edited netlist
    file and thus the new input would be used to run the simulation. But i
    found that the input.scs does not contain the new netlist file generated
    and all it contains are the controlstatements for the simulations!

    If the netlist file is already present in the simulation directory,
    then the input.scs file is generated correctly and the simulation runs.
    Ocean only accepts "netlist" as the name of the design. If other
    netlists are specified such as design("netlist0") it is ignored and the
    simulation runs with the same netlist file everytime.

    Any ideas for a better/easier/some method to run multiple simulations
    would be helpful.

    Srivathsan Krishnamohan, Oct 20, 2003
  2. Srivathsan Krishnamohan

    S. Badel Guest

    use design variables if not too restrictive.
    then set-up the simulation and all non-varying parameters
    before entering the loop.
    in each loop iteration, do
    - desVar( ... ) to change the design variables value
    - run() to run simulation
    - selectResults() then openResults() and process results
    or, alternatively, change the results directory (with resultsDir() i
    between each iteration and process all data at end of loop.
    S. Badel, Oct 21, 2003
  3. Thanks..the use of design varibales work.

    Srivathsan Krishnamohan, Oct 21, 2003
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