Running macro @ startup with multiple modules

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Corey Scheich, Feb 19, 2004.

  1. Dale Dunn graciously provided me with a tip to start a macro upon startup of
    SW by adding this to the shortcut target
    "C:\Program Files\SolidWorks\SLDWORKS.exe" /m "G:\users\cds\Working

    The problem I have run into is I added a few Modules and now it is running
    the wrong function
    Instead of Module1.Main I am getting Get_User_Name.GetUserName, Is there a
    way to specify Module1.Main or to specify which function runs automatically,
    say, in the code or preferences or something


    Corey Scheich
    Corey Scheich, Feb 19, 2004
  2. Corey Scheich

    rocheey Guest

    Is there a way to specify Module1.Main

    Im not sure if there is, but that would sure be handy

    Try moving your Sub Main to be the LAST sub/function in the module.
    rocheey, Feb 20, 2004
  3. Corey Scheich

    TheTick Guest

    One possibility...

    One quirk I found with SW macros is that the code for "Sub Main()"
    has to be at the bottom of the module it is in.
    TheTick, Feb 20, 2004
  4. Corey Scheich

    Gabe Osten Guest

    A shade off topic... Does anyone know if there are any other "undocumented"
    command line switches that could be usefull?
    Gabe Osten, Feb 20, 2004
  5. I am running 2003, and that worked but I had to move it to the module that
    was being run and move it to the bottom. How does it decide which module to
    look for Sub Main() in. I had it in Module1 and it was the only procedure
    in there. I haven't tested 2004.

    Corey Scheich, Feb 20, 2004
  6. Please take a look at



    unofficial german SolidWorks helpsite
    tools and programs for SolidWorks
    Stefan Berlitz, Feb 20, 2004
  7. Corey Scheich

    TheTick Guest

    Macros do have their limitations in size and ability. If you want to
    monitor events and start automatically with SW, there's nothing like
    an addin: smaller, faster, and cleaner, plus the ability to add
    toolbars and menus.

    I am putting together a presentation on making an addin from a VB .exe
    for our user group meeting (Milwaukee, WI, USA) March 4. This
    involves taking a simple VB .exe and adding one class module (well
    annotated with hints and explanations) plus a .res file for toolbar
    bitmaps (this will also be demystified). The project will be posted
    the following weekend to my website,

    Getting a full version of VB6 is well worth it. There are many
    advantages beyond just being able to compile. VB6 is fairly cheap,
    now that it is obsoleted by

    p.s. I know I owe someone out there a posting of a registry scrub
    utility. It's done, I just have to get it posted. It should be up
    this weekend if the family stays healthy!
    TheTick, Feb 21, 2004
  8. Corey Scheich

    TheTick Guest


    My presentation has been preempted and rescheduled for the fall
    Chicago-area combined user group meeting.
    TheTick, Mar 3, 2004
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