Running Cadence with dual monitors

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Roland.Fontaine, Dec 6, 2005.

  1. I am trying to run Cadence using two monitors, but I am having
    difficulty making it work because all Cadence Popup Menus/Messages
    appear in the center of the two screens. I would like to continue to
    use only a single Exceed Session, but I need to find a way to control
    the location of these Popups. Does anyone have a Skill Routine that
    can do this?

    thanks in advance,
    Roland.Fontaine, Dec 6, 2005
  2. Roland.Fontaine

    svenn.are Guest

    Using linux? Xinerama? KDE? Gnome? What are your multi-head settings?
    svenn.are, Dec 9, 2005
  3. I'm running linux using Hummingbird Exceed 9.0, my ideal setup would
    allow me to spread one Cadence session between both monitors, allowing
    my schematic to be on the left and Layout on the right side, allowing
    me to use Virtuoso XL. The one problem with this setup is that all
    Cadence popup windows appear in the center of the two screens, so I'm
    looking for a way to control these, and place them in the center of one
    of my monitors.
    Roland.Fontaine, Dec 9, 2005
  4. Roland.Fontaine

    Guest Guest

    Try calling hiSetDBoxDefaultLocation(l_location) where l_location a list of
    two integers specifying the x and y coordinates. This should work for most
    simple dialogs (dboxes a/k/a dialog boxes).

    Forms and option forms (enterfunction forms) default placement are controlled
    by four CIW properties: formPlacement, optionFormPlacement, formRelativeTo and
    optionFormRelativeTo. The default values for the two placment options are
    "default" and for the relativeTo options are "screen".

    The legal values for placement are "default", "left", "right", "top" and
    "bottom", and the legal values for relativeTo are "CIW", "currentWindow"
    and "screen".

    Play around with these to see if they help.

    These won't help if the logic that brings up the form or dialog is
    specifically setting the location -- but I think most just default.

    -Pete Zakel

    "A handful of sand is an anthology of the universe."

    -David McCord
    Guest, Dec 10, 2005
  5. Roland.Fontaine

    Guest Guest

    P.S. CIW properties are accessed and set against the CIW. You can use either
    hiGetCIWindow() or window(1) to access:


    window(1)->formPlacement = "left"

    MyCIW = hiGetCIWindow()

    MyCIW->optionFormRelativeTo = "currentWindow"

    etc., ...

    -Pete Z.
    Guest, Dec 10, 2005
  6. Roland.Fontaine

    svenn.are Guest

    If I am not totally wrong, then Hummingbird Exceed is an X-server for
    PC. This means that you run the software on linux, but your work
    machine is a PC? Isn't this then a setup problem of your monitor on the
    PC and Exceed's ability to handle multi-head setup? How do other unix
    programs dump their windows to your workstation?
    svenn.are, Dec 14, 2005
  7. I'm using KDE 3.4.1 on Redhat Enterprise Linux 3.0, and it never places any
    dialogs (except the splash screen, annoyingly) across the centre of the screen
    (for ANY application, not just Cadence apps). KDE 3.4.1 does have a number of
    configuration options for Xinerama, however, such as which screen to place
    dialogs on, which screens contain the panel, etc. I've seen the
    centred-dialog thing happen for other people using earlier versions of KDE and
    Gnome. The screen is basically just presented as a single rectangular screen
    to the application, so in my case it's 3200x1200. If the window manager
    doesn't support Xinerama and recognize that it really has two screens to place
    windows upon, then centred dialogs will be centred on the one screen that it
    knows about, which just so happens to be smack dab in the middle of the two

    Graeme Bunyan, Dec 14, 2005
  8. Roland.Fontaine

    daytripper Guest

    The cure is simple:

    /daytripper (once you've gone triple-headed you'll never go back :)
    daytripper, Dec 14, 2005
  9. Roland.Fontaine

    svenn.are Guest

    I had the same setup with 20" CRT monitors at a previous employee. An
    old PC with one AGP and 2 PCI cards running KDE worked as a remote
    client. Got a bit tied of moving windows around, and I had almost no
    space left for the keyboard :)
    svenn.are, Dec 15, 2005
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