running a macro before closing a drawing

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by natan.zimand, May 11, 2005.

  1. natan.zimand

    natan.zimand Guest

    I found a little snippet of code that adds a journal entry to Outlook
    every time a drawing is opened or closed.

    it looks like this:

    Sub ad_OpenDwg()
    'Demand load: -vbarun;ad_OutlookJournal.dvb!ad_OpenDwg;
    'Creates a Journal entry in the format:
    ' FullDwgPath -OPENED- CurrentSystemTime
    Dim adOutlookApp As Object
    Dim adCadItem As Object
    Dim adJournalEntryName As String
    Dim adSysStart As Variant
    adSysStart = Time
    adJournalEntryName = ThisDrawing.FullName
    If adJournalEntryName <> "" Then
    Set adOutlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set adCadItem = adOutlookApp.CreateItem(olJournalItem)
    With adCadItem
    .Type = "AutoCAD"
    .Subject = adJournalEntryName & " -OPENED- " & adSysStart
    End With
    End If
    End Sub

    Sub ad_CloseDwg()
    'Demand load: -vbarun;ad_OutlookJournal.dvb!ad_CloseDwg;
    'Creates a Journal entry in the format:
    ' FullDwgPath -CLOSED- CurrentSystemTime
    Dim adOutlookApp As Object
    Dim adCadItem As Object
    Dim adJournalEntryName As String
    Dim adSysEnd As Variant
    adSysEnd = Time
    adJournalEntryName = ThisDrawing.FullName
    If adJournalEntryName <> "" Then
    Set adOutlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set adCadItem = adOutlookApp.CreateItem(olJournalItem)
    With adCadItem
    .Type = "AutoCAD"
    .Subject = adJournalEntryName & " -CLOSED- " & adSysEnd
    End With
    End If
    End Sub

    so you can see it has two macros ad_opendwg and ad_closedwg. I have
    gotten the ad_opendwg to run from my s::startup in my acaddoc.lsp file,
    which makes it run every time i start a new file. but i am trying to
    call the ad_closedwg every time i exit a drawing. I have tried
    changing the acad.mnu file , like this:

    ID_DWG_CLOSE [&Close]^C^C(command "-vbarun" "ad_closeDwg")_close

    but it doesn't work.

    I am looking for any advice that anyone can give me to call this macro
    on exiting a file. Also, is there any way to get this macro to work if
    you hit the window close X in the top right corner?

    Thanks for your help.
    natan.zimand, May 11, 2005
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