runnig vhdl-ams

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Manivannan, Aug 24, 2004.

  1. Manivannan

    Manivannan Guest

    Hai ,

    I am new to this group and to Cadence,

    My question is: is there a way to run vhdl-ams code in Cadence?

    I have run vhdl and tried verilog-ams on Cadence.

    For now i am using a student version of System Vision provided by
    Mentor Graphics, but since my University has a licensed version of
    Cadence, i was just wondering if i can port my codes to Cadence.

    I will be happy if somebody could suggest me a way if one exists.

    Manivannan, Aug 24, 2004
  2. The tool is AMS Designer.

    There are a number of previous threads on this - you might want to check
    on google to get more information, or you could (if all else fails) read the

    Andrew Beckett, Aug 24, 2004
  3. Manivannan

    Rajeswaran M Guest

    I am getting the following error when I try to netlist using VHDL tool

    vhdlNet: *E,349: Unable to netlist VHDL file
    /user/test/cds446/bhas/TOP_CELL/entity/vhdl.vhd because it failed VHDL
    Please clean up the syntax errors before trying again.
    vhdlNet: *E,346: Entity creation from pinList file 'TOP_CELL' is aborted
    due to previous errors.

    The error is coming to even for a simple block. Do I miss any setups?
    Rajeswaran M, Aug 25, 2004
  4. Is this for VHDL-AMS? (since you replied to that thread). VHDL-AMS views cannot
    be used in VHDL toolbox - that's just for pure VHDL (no AMS).

    Andrew Beckett, Aug 25, 2004
  5. Manivannan

    Rajeswaran M Guest

    sorry for the post in wrong thread.

    Its just pure VHDL flow. customer support, had provided solution for the
    issue. I was missing CDS_VHDL environment.

    Rajeswaran M, Aug 26, 2004
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