Run-Time error 6 - Overflow

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by crtcadman, Apr 7, 2004.

  1. crtcadman

    crtcadman Guest

    I have a VBA application that works fine in Windows NT. When I run it in Windows 95 or Windows XP I get an overflow error.

    It appears to happen when I "Get" the property of a class I created and then do some math. A funny thing happened when I began debugging the problem. I wanted to know exactly which "Get" was causing the problem, so I introduced calls to msgbox before doing math calculations with the property values. The dumb thing worked without any errors.

    Did slowing it down fix it? Or is something else at work here?

    Below are portions of the affected code.

    Private m_ScaleFactor As Double
    Public Property Get ScaleFactor() As Double
    ScaleFactor = m_ScaleFactor
    End Property

    Private m_data() As DwgFile
    Private m_indx As Integer

    Public Sub Add(FilName As String, filpath As String, sf As Double, dType As String, ByVal dSht As DwgSheet)
    Dim aDwg As DwgFile
    m_indx = m_indx + 1
    ReDim Preserve m_data(m_indx)
    Set aDwg = New DwgFile
    aDwg.FileName = FilName
    aDwg.FilePath = filpath
    aDwg.ScaleFactor = sf
    aDwg.DwgType = dType
    Set aDwg.Sheet = dSht
    Set m_data(m_indx) = aDwg
    End Sub
    Public Property Get Item(indx As Integer) As DwgFile
    If indx < 0 Or indx > m_indx Then
    MsgBox "Invalid index of DwgFiles object", vbCritical
    Set Item = m_data(indx)
    End If
    End Property

    Calling Procedure:
    'xref the files
    For k = 0 To dwgs.Count - 1
    If dwgs.Item(j).DwgType = detSHT Then
    adrawing.ActivePViewport.Display True
    adrawing.MSpace = True
    sf = 1# / dwgs.Item(k).ScaleFactor
    MsgBox "Current Drawing: " & dwgs.Item(j).FileName
    MsgBox "Numerator: " & dwgs.Item(k).ScaleFactor
    MsgBox "Denominator: " & dwgs.Item(j).ScaleFactor
    MsgBox "Formula : 1 / (" & dwgs.Item(k).ScaleFactor & "/" & dwgs.Item(j).ScaleFactor & ")"
    'Error occurs below if msgbox calls are removed!
    sf = 1# / (CDbl(dwgs.Item(k).ScaleFactor) / CDbl(dwgs.Item(j).ScaleFactor))
    End If
    If dwgs.Item(k).DwgType = detXREF And j <> k Then
    fil = tb_path.Value & RenDwgs(k)
    xref = Left(RenDwgs(k), Len(RenDwgs(k)) - 4)
    Set XrefBlk = adrawing.ModelSpace.AttachExternalReference(fil, xref, _
    insPT, sf, sf, sf, 0, True)
    XrefBlk.Layer = aLayer.Name
    If dwgs.Item(j).DwgType = detXREF Then
    If k > 10 Then
    clr = 41
    clr = colors(k)
    End If
    Call LyrColor(adrawing, xref, clr)
    End If
    End If

    I found similar posting from years ago, but the resolution was apparently accomplished via e-mail.
    I'm stumped. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    crtcadman, Apr 7, 2004
  2. Are you running all of your tests on the exact same dataset? Sounds like a
    division by zero.
    Mike Tuersley, Apr 7, 2004
  3. crtcadman

    crtcadman Guest

    Yes I am using the same data each time.

    I have narrowed it down to this line:
    sf = 1# / Cdbl(dwgs.Item(k).ScaleFactor) / Cdbl(dwgs.Item(j).ScaleFactor)

    and this data:
    sf = 1 / ( 4 / 48 )

    4 / 48 = 0.083333 <- is that out of range?

    1 / 0.083333 = 12 <- I know thats not out of range

    crtcadman, Apr 7, 2004
  4. I found one problem, though it doesn't cause overflow on my computer...
    your code actually has sf = 1 / 4 / 48 === 0.00521, not 12. You need
    some more parentheses.

    What is sf dimensioned as?

    James Belshan, Apr 7, 2004
  5. crtcadman

    wivory Guest

    For problems like this I prefer to go straight to the horses mouth to make sure I'm getting what I *think* I'm getting. Instead of using Message Boxes I would step trace the program to the line in question. Then with the yellow highlight on that line I would hold my mouse over each variable to see what value it currently holds. If anything doesn't show you it's value in a tooltip then highlight it and press Shift-F9 to see it in the Quick-Watch window.

    Start with the simplest items like j and k, then progress to complex variables like dwgs.Item(j).ScaleFactor, then converted values like Cdbl(dwgs.Item(j).ScaleFactor), then logical groupings of values (in your case probably the entire expression). At some point the immediate values should squawk and you should be able to pinpoint your problem. If the entire expression is valid but it still fails on the assignment then it is something to do with your destination variable.


    Wayne Ivory
    IT Analyst Programmer
    Wespine Industries Pty Ltd
    wivory, Apr 8, 2004
  6. crtcadman

    crtcadman Guest

    You're right of course. I should have cut and paste instead of re-typing it. I do have the extra parenthesis in the actual code. Thanks anyway!
    crtcadman, Apr 8, 2004
  7. crtcadman

    crtcadman Guest

    I haven't tried your suggestion(s) yet, but I will. I'm not as sophisticated with my debugging techniques as I would like to be. So, I will try what you suggest.

    The reason I havn't tried yet is that I ran the program on another PC (a desktop) running Windows XP. It worked!

    I now suspect that the problem could lie in the two laptops I was trying to test it on - one running Windows 95 and one running Windows XP - both the same hardware model - Compaq Pentium II 366 Mhz.

    Go figure!
    crtcadman, Apr 8, 2004
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