RTL Compiler settings

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by yempwg, Oct 9, 2008.

  1. yempwg

    yempwg Guest

    hi all,

    anyone know to setup the RTL Compiler...?

    when i type "rc -gui" at the command prompt, the rc tool not

    when i check with "which rc", the results: "/etc/rc"...

    anyone know how to redirect the rc command back to the tool?

    thanks, hippoo
    yempwg, Oct 9, 2008
  2. yempwg

    prime_number Guest

    Don't try to 'redirect' anything but get rid of your PATH.
    You have at least '/etc' in it, it's weird ...

    So add (prepend) 'SOC_INSTALL_PATH/tools/bin' to your PATH and your
    Compiler will be back.

    prime_number, Oct 10, 2008
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